24: Day 3: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2004)
Season 3, Episode 20
A Bit Of A Lull (In Comparison)
25 May 2007
his is, perhaps, the first episode which didn't finish in a particularly dramatic note, but after 19 in a row that did, it's excusable. In fact, the episode as a whole was probably the weakest of the first 20, that's compared to the rest.

Saunders' daughter Jane is at C.T.U. and Jack is showing her just what her father has become. Reluctantly, she gives him her dad's phone number. Jack has her call so he can trace it. Saunders figures this out and stops another virus from being unleashed at the last second (a little hokey here, the timing) and troops soon will be surrounding the building. Saunders' computer geek partner goes to leave but is shot by the boss, who is waiting for Jack to show up. Since there are still four more episodes left, you know Saunders is not going to be captured because that would be the end of the season.

Meanwhile, we get some good news about Michelle, Chole finally gets told off about her personality (hooray!) and Adam hears bad news about his sister.

Michelle is back in the story at the end, but this time things aren't so rosy.
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