24: Day 2: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (2003)
Season 2, Episode 9
The terrorists enter the game
19 March 2008
At the beginning of the season, it was heavily implied a terrorist group from the Middle East, called Second Wave, had to do with the nuclear menace in Los Angeles. Now, nine episodes in, the threat becomes tangible, as the organization's key member, Syed Ali, shows up with no good intentions.

Viewers might remember Kate Warner suspected her future brother-in-law, Reza Nayer, was involved in Ali's activities, a suspicion that paid off in an odd fashion when Tony Almeida took both Reza and Kate's father Bob to CTU for questioning. At present, with Reza continuously claiming he's innocent and Bob revealing his ties with the CIA, Tony and Mason decide to put them against each other in order to uncover the traitor's identity. They better act quickly, considering Kate has been kidnapped by Ali, who wants to know how many people are aware of the atomic device. Speaking of which, the government's attempts to locate the bomb are close to failing for good since the plane Nina Myers and Jack Bauer were traveling on has been shot down by a covert commando team and the two have to cooperate if they want to survive.

The previous season's brilliant script revealed the failed assassination of David Palmer had nothing to do with racism, but was instead a direct act of revenge aimed at him and Bauer for what they had done to the Drazens. Similarly, the presence of the commando team in the desert suggests there might be other interests behind the imminent danger rather than those of Arabic supremacists. Of course, there are still fifteen hours to go, but from the clues that have been planted so far the villain might turn out to be someone few would link to this kind of situation. Not that Jack would care: whoever did this will not get away with it, no matter how highly placed he or she is.

Tick, tock...
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