One of the worst movies ever
24 June 2009
This movie is so bad, that I hardly know where to begin.

First, the basic premises are preposterous. The so-called "keyless encryption" is a nonsense - How do you determine who is authorized to decrypt some ciphertext? Second, the explanation given to Rachel is something embodied in lots of security protocol (e.g. SSH and SSL) and "keyless encryption" is neither necessary nor desired. Third, the way the developers at the encryption company (I forget its name) are portrayed is hilarious in its inaccuracy. Fourth, the "God's code" stuff is something clearly inspired in the Bible code nonsense, something that has been debunked as lot of silly mumbo-jumbo long ago. Fifth, the plot starts focusing on the "keyless encryption," only to be ditched halfway through. Sixth, with the exception of David Warner's, the acting is stilted and amateurish. Seventh, Ms. Alonso clearly shows that she is a "has-been" big time. Eighth, it is not good even for laughs.

This is all a shame, because it starts off fine. All in all, this movie is thoroughly deserving of the relative anonymity in which it lives. A complete waste of time.
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