The Interview (II) (2014)
It's just like every other Seth Rogen movie out there.
30 December 2014
Look. Just forget the controversy surrounding this movie. This is pretty much the exact same shtick you see in every movie Seth Rogen writes. Now I think the man is a good comedic actor, and I like him in movies he doesn't write, like Knocked Up, Zack and Miri Make A Porno, 50/50 and even Neighbors. But when you view the movies he does writes, which even as a dumb pot smoking teenager I never found particularly funny, you start to notice a lot of reoccurring routines he uses. A homo-erotic bromance between the two main characters, a plethora of dick jokes, gratuitous drug use and party scenes, using random rap songs in scenes to make the movie cool while using random pop songs in scenes to be ironically funny, celebrity cameos, attempts at starting some sort of new trend that is clearly never going to catch on (in this case, the term honeypotting) and some violent action sequences just to keep things energetic, I guess. The only difference is this time it's set in North Korea, which I'm not really sure why they set the film in North Korea, other than to appear topical or to gather controversy. The film is no biting satire. It doesn't bring anything new to the North Korea discussion that isn't common knowledge, it doesn't have anything really to say about foreign relations, and it makes a statement about sensationalized journalism, there have been much better recent films like Nightcrawler and Anchorman 2 that talk about that in a much more insightful and interesting way. The movie's not all bad. Seth Rogen and his chap Evan Goldberg have an eye for direction, the film looks nice, Eminem was funny and some of the jokes get a giggle. If you're with a bunch of friends who really want to watch it, you won't suffer too much watching it with them, but don't seek it out.

And I would like to add, I did not agree with Sony's decision to pull the film.
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