Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
I saw this coming ever since Season 7.
2 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Applause for the cast and crew. Fantastic job to them. Such a shame their incredible effort is literally annihilated by the absolute disgrace of mediocrity they call writing.

I honestly saw this coming ever since that episode in season 7, when Jon and Co. are surrounded by an army of wights only to have Danny do the clichee swoop in save. But hey, at least she lost a dragon, which enabled NK to bring down the wall. So it came at a big cost. And even SO, it still left a horrid taste. That's just not the kind of thing you expect from GoT. There are no clichee swoopsaves. People don't have plot armour. And not having plot armour is exactly why Jon's bringing back to life was so mysterious and interesting. That just does not happen in GoT, so why did it?

Well, it apparently happened so that he could yell at an undead dragon. That, and be generally useless in every other aspect of the final battle. I just don't get it. He basically orchestrated this alliance, only to aimlessly wonder around on a dragon for half the episode, time during which his army is getting decimated.

Not to mention he again gets clichee saved by Danny, while again surrounded by an entire army of wights.
  • I'd be ok with this, if she then just flew off. But no, the writers are absolutely keen in insulting the masterpiece this show used to be and ALL IT'S AUDIENCE. For some very cheap drama points, dragon gets overwhelmed by wights and she falls off. Now she's surrounded by an army of wights.
  • I'd be ok with this, if she at this point gets killed. I love her character, although I feel sub-par writing is slowly turning her into a tyrant for no real apparent reason. But she doesn't die, because it's her turn to strap on some Legendary Plot Armor and get clichee saved by none other than Lord Friendzone himself.
I'm not even going to address how he even managed to find her, let alone get to her. Had Danny died just in time for him to see it, yet be unable to help, that's the GoT we know. Had he also died now because he tried to save her, got there too late, and now found himself surrounded too, that's the GoT we know. Not this.

I'm not keen on seeing them die. But if you're going to put them in situations where they should die, then they need to die. But hey, 7 seasons in plot armor becomes a thing, so to hell with everything this show used to stand for, right?

Need I even mention battle tactics?

This is the biggest battle we've ever known. We have dragons and a castle. You know, that thing with big walls? yeah, that. So what do we do? Not fortify them. At all. The dead literally climb the walls at some point, because NOTHING was done to counter that. They have 0 defenses. No one thought some oil cauldrons would be useful to rain some fire down on climbers. I mean fire is only their biggest weakness, easy to forget after all. No one thought to spike the walls up with some dragonglass shards? Could that maybe be useful? Ofcourse not. Nevermind such nonesense. Lets instead roll our siege engines out to the, you guessed it, front lines. Ballistas, and you place them just in front of your Unsullied formations. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that the writers believe spears have a longer effective range than what are virtually artillery units. Christ...

Not to mention the outer fortifications. They had like one ditch, 5 feet from the castle walls no less, and some wooden spikes. Against the greatest threat the world has ever known. 10/10. A God damn sand castle build by an 8 year old is more defensible.

And the Dothraki. Oh dear God the Dothraki. I'm gonna give them points for the epic scenery though. Flaming swords were cool and the way they all get extinguished is bonechilling at least. Really got me on edge there, but that's simply because I wasn't expecting them ALL TO DIE for NO REASON. Cavalry skirmishes are a thing, and I honestly believed they'd be doing some sort of recon run by since the visibility wasn't that great. Nope. They just charge in and die. Who gives that order? You have MOUNTED shock troopers that can literally trample undead hordes and relieve pressure from ANY flank due to their exceptional mobility. You're also hopelessly outnumbered. You have no battle field visibility. So what do you do? Send them all to die. Why? Because it looks cool. That's GoT now.

Bran is useless. Wargs into some ravens to do nothing in particular. Then sits there for the rest of the battle, doing nothing in particular. Tells Theon he'll die, while continuing to do nothing in particular. Then NK gets gutted by Arya when she superhero jumps in, not two seconds later, time during which Bran does, you guessed it, nothing in particular.

Theon's redemption arc was cool. But he didn't die defending Bran. He basically speared himself into the NK. You wanna know who went out like a beast? Berric Dondarrion. Theon could very well had not moved a single muscle for like 5 more moments and he'd still be breathing.

You know what's the worst part? I'd be ok with her being hyper sneaky and getting the jump on NK like that. She's had years of assassin training, so sure, why not. But if you're trying to sell that point, DON'T SHOW HER FAILING AT IT JUST MOMENTS BEFORE. For the love of God she almost died trying to sneak though a damn library not 15 minutes prior.

NK is a disgrace. One of the most disappointing villains in the history of fiction. And that's purely by virtue of wasted potential. He was SO cool. Dude can one shot a damn dragon. All the mystery around him. Presumably EONS of battle experience and he never swings his sword once. Not ONCE, in 8 seasons. And worse still, doesn't even go out in a fight.

Every major character should have died. Every. Single. One. Because the writers put all of them in situations were death was inevitable. Why? to "subvert expectations" and create cheap emotional thrills.

Such a disgrace. Such a waste. And I'm supposed to care about what happens with Cersei now? Phhbt.

Imagine if Lord of the Rings killed off Sauron and then were like "Woah woah, hold up. There's still Saruman to worry about". Jesus Christ.

Ladies and gentleman, that's GoT now.
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