Double Down (2005)
Experimental Masterpiece
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
From the mind of the genius Neil Breen comes this avante-garde classic that redefined the whole concept of cinema and film making. By throwing out the restrictive concepts such as competent story telling, acting and editing Neil was able to really break down what it means to make a film and produce something much more. This is a true piece of art full with a powerful message.

The main message of the film is a dystopian view of the advancing integration of electronics into everyday life. Are we truely safer with all these systems? As the film clearly shows, any gibbering idiot can break into a car, steal money or conduct nationwide simulataneous biochemical terrorist attacks in multiple cities using just a few mobile phones, unpowered laptops, anthrax and a few cans of tuna. Not even governments will be able to stop these people as they can also be hacked!

But the films also finds plenty of time to cover other serious topics such as love and loss. Unfortunately Neil's character Aaron loses his wife and parents, but has visions of them throughout the film. These visions take the form of surrealistic landscapes that rival those created by Salvador Dali. During the visions the audience is really left pondering what truly is going life that is. What is the purpose of life? Is there an afterlife? Is there really a plot to this film?

There are also plenty of touching moments in this film, such as when unamed child #2 is diagnosed with brain cancer midway through the film. Thankfully Neil was on set and used his alien powers to cure the little girl. It wasn't even part of the movie but luckily they caught it on film and decided to add it in!

This film is a must see for all! So glad that Neil Breen is still making films and that the years really haven't ruined his vision. He still writes, directs and produces all of his work, which means that his genius isn't watered down like other amateur film makers. Hope to be seeing Neil producing films for another 15 years!
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