Review of Trinity

Stargate: Atlantis: Trinity (2005)
Season 2, Episode 6
Very good episode
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Trinity has two plots, the main plot where SGA discover an Ancient Outpost with a power source that could render ZPM's obsolete, and a sub plot where Teyla travels off world to conduct a trade deal, accompanied by Ronnon who encounters other survivors of his people.

The main plot is the highlight. Rodney's character is tested in this episode, his endless pursuit of knowledge, accompanied by his cockiness to prove himself correct eventually leads him to believe that he can do right where the ancients were wrong. He asks Sheppard to place his trust in him (something he's never done before).

I think this is pretty interesting because we get to see a scenario where Rodney is wrong for once, the test goes badly and the solar system is destroyed. I think his failure this time really humbled him, not only because he risked the life of his friend (and destroyed a solar system), but also because the trust he asked of Sheppard was misplaced.

I dont know why the other reviewers dislike Rodney so much. He can be insensitive at times, and his arrogance ends up harming himself and those around him, but he clearly cares about the people around him. Furthermore, his devotion to his work is not just his arrogance, but also stems from that same desire to better the lives of his people. Just because he's a flawed character doesn't mean he's a badly written one.

The sub plot is also good considering how much time was given to it, we get to learn more about Ronon's past and his moral compass, he's clearly fine with taking justice into his own hands, even if it means exploiting Teyla's trust, something that Teyla did not appreciate, even if she agrees with the initial sentiment of revenge.
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