You will love it or leave it
28 April 2024
8.3 stars.

If you need to feel inspired today, watch 'Running the Bases'. This is not a movie about baseball, although almost every scene happens on the ball field. Baseball is just the backdrop, but the main theme is about courage and faith. Yes, it's a religious theme, but more about how it feels than how it works.

This story is as emotionally driven as any faith based movie I've ever seen. You will be unable to hold back the tears if you are willing to let yourself go with the provocative message and the music. But if you wish to reserve your emotions for something not so "preachy" or wholesome, go right ahead and wait for that bigger and better action movie, or sci-fi, fantasy, or whatever floats your boat. But for me, I need some real inspiration sometimes.

This is one of, if not THE best Christian movie I've ever seen. Sure it's got that whole over-dramatization aspect with the inflated spiritual message and the love bombing, do-gooder theme. Nevertheless, it impacted me at the core of my being.

Based on the reviews I've seen, you will either love it or leave it. Do try to love it. Open yourself up to the possibilities that in many ways this narrative might change your perspective.
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