City of Rott (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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If your expectations are low, you won't be disappointed
baphythegoat12 April 2007
I am both a zombie film fan (A la Romero, and Simon Pegg) and an animation buff. I'm also fairly picky. City of Rott seems to have been someone's kitchen sink project that managed to get enough distribution to find it's charmingly awkward way into my local Hollywood Video. I rented it with fairly low expectations, and wasn't terribly disappointed. When I looked at the box in the store, I guessed that C.o.R would be quirky, at times repetitive, uneven, and (shudder) possibly entirely Flash animation. It turns out I wan't terribly off base in my assessment (all points)...

The Good: It was great to see an angry, kooky "elderly" protagonist. There was enough in the way of Zombie-buff in-jokes (read the signs in the background- there's as much going on there at times as in the foreground) and silly, ham-handed social commentary to give me a few good giggles. I found it worth a watch.

The Bad: Man... 77minutes of average quality Flash-based (just one) interesting character...ooh..uhh... hmmm... did I mention the 77 minutes of quirky flash animation? A cludgy script with a few really brylllunt moments...could have said it better in under an hour.... crunchy industrial techno score ground out relentlessly until the bitter end...

My Verdict: Again... for fans of Zombiedom, worth 1 watch.
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Zombie Animation.
KentKarma19 August 2006
If you have not yet seen City of Rott, rent it before you decide to buy it. First let me tell you about City of Rott and its general storyline. You are introduced to Fred, an elderly man with a walker. You'll be confused right off the bat as to why hes speaking without moving his mouth all the time. You'll realize this is because he speaks to his walker. I found this very tiring to watch, as any time you do not see his face, you may get confused in mid sentence, who's actually speaking until someone is addressed. However, lets continue with..what is Fred doing? Fred's journey through out the entire 77 minutes will revolve around finding new slippers as he expresses early on, his current ones are aching his feet.

Now if you're a zombie movie fan or just like gore, you'll enjoy the countless zombie dispatches. The movie is meant to be funny as well, so those looking for a serious zombie movie probably should stay if the fact it was animated didn't give this away anyhow.

The movie does take an interesting turn towards the end but unless I am ignorant or something, its a very stale end.

After it is all over with, I give this movie a 5 out of 10. It is not a terribly bad movie. It kept me interested through most of it. There were parts where hearing Fred speak constantly grew old and slightly annoying. The voice acting all together seemed pretty uninspired. Notably, a girl character's voice was not that of a girl and seemed like it was a man's voice with the pitch raised.

Zombie fans, take this with a grain of salt. Those who aren't, maybe this isn't for you.
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"Newgrounds Flash Animation Style And A Repetitive Film Makes For A Boring Watch"
Matt_Layden11 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
An elderly man and his trusty walker go in to City of Rott looking for some new slippers. There's only one problem, the city is overrun by blood thirsty zombies. What follows is a gore hounds dream, animation style.

What made me watch City of Rott? Well, I was attracted to it by it's cover. A cartoon zombie flick with it's main star wielding a walker. I was kind of reminded of Bubba Ho-Tep, in which the Kinf of Rock and Roll fought against the King of The Dead. I have never heard of COR, but being a fan of horror films, and being intrigued by the cover art, which is unfortunately one of it's few highlights, I bought the flick and watched it immediately. There are some elements in COr that work, but the are few and far between, much of it a a repetitive mess. Then again, what can you expect from a film that was made entirely by one man.

Frank Sudol or "FSudol" brings us a film that he wrote, directed, animated, edited, composed, produced, so on and so forth. With it's Flash like animated style, that one would find on such web-sties like "newgrounds" it stands out among other animated films, but it's unique style may put off a lot of viewers who aren't really ready for the basic animated style. Although the detail on the character are quite good and comedic. I was surprised with the variations of zombies that I found in COR, I was expecting the same face to pop up every now and then.

The main character, Fred, is alone, unarmed and going insane. Looking for a pair of slippers may sound humorous, but it wears thin after the film starts. After a few chuckles here or there, the rest of the film is not really all that funny. With the comedy not working in this film, there is really only one more thing that it can rely on. It's the gore, and the film features plenty of it.

The unrated COR features an abundant amount of blood and gore. Not only do zombies get shot in the head, but they get impaled with spikes, ran over by cars and decapitated by...yup you guessed it, Fred's walker. Fred uses his trusty friend as a weapon to kill the undead. Along with Fred there is a nurse, who quickly becomes a zombie, a random civilian with guns to randomly shoot zombies and another old man, who coincidentally carries the cure to being a zombie.

These aren't your regular day to day zombies, this time it's parasitic worms that infest the decaying bodies. It's a new way to spin the zombie tale that could work for a feature film, but here it doesn't seem to flow very well. COR would work very well as a short, but it drags on way too long and crawls pass the finish line. After Fred gets bitten by the zombies the film becomes rather pointless. The only reason for the film to go on like this is for Fred to get the cure, so you know what will happen. Basically the entire film is watching cartoon character beat the living crap out of these zombies. While it is all in good fun, much like the final scene in Dead-Alive. It becomes repetitive in the first 30 minutes, and you are asking yourself if anything new will ever come up.

I will give Frank Sudol credit for it being a one man show, it has great blood and guts and a unique animation style that could work as a short film, but COR becomes very boring, very fast. Frank, get more people on the same crew with you, put more time into the production, more then one year, and then come back with a film that will knock our socks off. There is potential here, but it's taken in the wrong direction. Which is a shame, cause the cover art is really kick ass.
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while this is amazing for a one man show......
ghost-99 September 2006
Frank Sudol has done an incredible job of making an animated movie by himself and it looks somewhat reminiscent of a Cannibal Corpse cover throughout. I was initially attracted to Sudol's artistic style but quickly became bored because of the repetitiveness of the movie. While this would have been fine as a 5 or 10 minute short, there just wasn't enough story to fill a movie length feature and it became almost unbearably boring to watch. I'm sure there will be those that watched it with friends and maybe under the influence of chemicals, they will have found it to be hilarious or entertaining but as I watched it sober and alone, I really felt it needed to have been a short feature only.
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Rectangular_businessman25 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about "City of Rott" is the main character, an strange elderly man which apparently is losing his mind: While at first sight his role in this kind of story seem a bit odd, the truth is that he shows a more interesting development than the rest of the cast, which are merely the typical clichés from zombie movies.

I have to admit that, to certain point, it was very funny (and awesome) to see an old man fight alone against a whole army of zombies, only using his walker as a weapon (And even more awesome, is the fact that the old man is able to fight as the most fierce action hero) but as the movie advances, it turns very repetitive and boring.

The animation quality isn't exactly what I would call incredible, but I have to recognize that this had a good atmosphere and some interesting designs (Mostly concerned to the sceneries and the zombies) On the other side, the last part of the film was very disappointing: There was a moment when things apparently end, but instead of that, the film just goes on and on, turning a bit tedious.

There are some qualities about "City of Rott" that deserve some recognition, but the overall result feels like something forgettable at best, despite all the violence and gore.
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Mindless like a zombie
Pixels-118 August 2006
I can't after watching this movie decide if it is either good or bad (hence the 5 out of 10) The story is just pointless and the 77 minute long movie consists of nothing but blood and gore and some slow scenes which just makes you feel really weird. I can't in any way figure out what this movie is supposed to be good for. I didn't hate watching it but i didn't really enjoy it either. It's impossible to say if this movie will be a waste of your time since i think it completely depends on what kind of person you are or just how bored you are If the creator of this movie however makes another one I'm almost certain that i will check it out. There is after all something really special about City of Rott.
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Slippers: Worth Killing For
ElijahCSkuggs25 August 2006
Here's the movie in a nutshell: You're an old fogey named Fred. He talks to himself. He's upset that his feet are killing him. He goes out into a zombie infested City and searches for a new pair of slippers. Along the way he kills TONS of zombies. The movie is an animated gore fest.

The movie is without a doubt a labor of love. Frank Sudol is the man behind the ENTIRE production. And he did a hell of a job. Awesome work dude!! This looks and kind of feels like a video game. Not a bad thing whatsoever. If you're expecting fluid motion animation, nope it's not that. More on the line of old South Park, but better drawings, much better.

The movie itself was done incredibly well, but I thought the film dragged a little. Some scenes might have been a tad lengthy, but that's only because Frank was being realistic, he knew how many zombies were around and how many he'd needed to show killed, so it wouldn't be questionable with an escape or what have you. Even when there was gore on screen and killing going on, I still felt "ok, let's get on with it." There were in my opinion too many scenes of zombies eating. But hey, what the hell else are you supposed to show? The movie has tons of gore, a pretty funny old man (personally nothing laugh out loud), and an original take on zombies. City of Rott was an immediate purchase for myself. I heard about it and immediately bought it. For fans of animated movies and zombie/gore this should definitely be checked out. If you love animated movies, zombies and gore, like myself, show respect to Frank Sudol and buy his f&cking movie.
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A tedious wreck of zombie gore
magic-ball4 September 2006
"City of Rott" is an independent animated zombie movie which (if Google is any indication) is an extended version of an online movie of the same name.

As you'd expect from an indie film, production values are limited. The animation takes a while to get used to. The music is repetitive and the voices aren't great. All of this comes with the territory, I suppose. In fact, the entire movie was done by a single guy - Frank Sudol. While the effort can be lauded, and its humble origins to DVD is impressive, it can't make up for the overall lack of quality. As per most zombie movies, it's rather bleak and cynical. The main character is an apparently senile geriatric named Fred who talks to his walker (which apparently talks back). Fred is motivated, despite the unfurling apocalypse, to find a comfortable pair of new shoes.

The movie's biggest weakness is that even at 77 minutes, it's too long. There's just so much that didn't need to be in it. It's boring. I'm a fan of the genre and I couldn't even bear to sit through it in its entirety. There is gore, and it is a liberal amount. Unortunately, they're the same boring gorefests over and over again. Even the movie breaks the fourth wall about this; in one zombie-killing sequence Fred says "Hey, didn't I kill you before?". Inbetween these fights Fred talks to his walker and and roams the streets aimlessly looking for shoes. In a few of these "plot" sequences, there is candid discussion of deeper concepts such as struggling against inevitability and Fred's shortsightedness, but these are fleeting and don't make a lasting impression. I suppose the shortsighted journey for comfort in the setting of a larger crisis might serve as a parallel for modern life, but it's probably just seeing too much into it.

If you want to see unapologetically tasteless zombie violence with a unique presentation, don't mind a heavy dose of tedium, and happen to see it somewhere, you might want to rent. Otherwise, stay far, far, away.
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Started Out Well, But Ultimately Fell Apart
danthewrestlingmanorigin9 October 2006
As someone who generally can't get into anime because of the over the top humor, and clichés, it's rare and refreshing to find an adult animated horror film made outside Asia, that delivers bloody zombie carnage that I cherish so much. Unfortunately this film has several faults that bog it down. First the good- Seeing an elderly man dispatch the living dead in bloody and inventive ways mostly with his trustee walker ( which talks to him by the way). The Bad- The story really falls apart towards the end, and for the last twenty minutes or so the film just kind of wanders around like it has no idea where to go.

I hate to give the film an average rating, but ultimately the last part fell apart, and I really thought the dialogue could have been a little more clever and humorous. I'll give the film a very generous 7 out of 10, because this type of film is very rare for guys like me who aren't into anime.
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Avoid this like the plague!!!
undeadhoosier23 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a big steaming pile of crap that runs about an hour too long. It is like a worm that will wiggle into your brain, kill you, and leave you a shambling, rotting, mindless husk. The entire movie involves the same scene over and over again - a poorly animated walker repeated splatters equally poorly animated zombies.

Plot Summary: A completely unlikeable old man, argues with himself and his walker while looking for a pair of shoes. It's supposed to be funny, but it becomes tedious fast. There is no plot and you quickly find that you hate all of the main characters. Whoever wrote and produced this big, steaming pile of garbage needs to have himself checked for worms in the brain. For a truly funny zombie movie check out Shaun of the Dead or Dead Alive. A law should be passed banning everyone involved in the making of this unfunny ripoff from ever working in motion pictures again.

If I am not being clear enough, let me just say, THIS MOVIE STINKS!!! BAD!!!
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Zombie carnage & animated weirdness - Cool!
birdie1520 August 2006
City of Rott is a full-length animated zombie movie - yup, you heard right. Disney, however, it ain't.

Imagine Peter Jackson's splatterfest Braindead, only in cartoon form, and with twice the gore, and you are halfway to what City of Rott is dealing to us horror fiends.

Rott City is an American metropolis that has been wiped out by a zombie infestation of biblical proportions. Hordes (and I mean HORDES)of undead stagger around Romero style, searching for the few survivors eking out a meager existence.

Fred is a gnarly old dude, who just wants to find a new pair of slippers. His companion is his trusty walker, which talks to him. Or more precisely, it bitches at him a lot, warns him of zombie attackers, and acts as a lethal weapon against any ghoul who dares to mess with Fred.

This is Fred's story.Poor guy just wants some quality footwear and to be left alone.

City of Rott is funny, trippy and very, very, gory. The animation is kind of basic, almost South Park style in its execution. It's the artwork itself that is incredibly striking - uniquely stylised and full of over-saturated colours and grotesque creations. It's unlike anything I've seen before, and all the better for it.

Rott is a whole bunch of fun. The humour is sublimely weird, and the setup strangely fresh in such a tired genre. The holocaust has been caused by nasty little parasitic worms, that arrive one day in rainfall. They kill the host, reanimate them, then set them on a search for more food to sustain them. There turns out to be more than one type of worm, which leads to an interesting plot twist.

The movie has its problems. Its 70 minute runtime suffers from padding and repetition, and it has more false endings than Lord of the Rings. The ultimate conclusion, in fact quite a bit of the 'third act', went over my head. Maybe a second viewing will clear things up.

Ultimateley, though,City of Rott is a triumph of sheer gruey imagination, and was put together pretty much by one guy. I hope we get to see more.
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Relatively Fun Animated Zombie Gore-Fest...
EVOL66631 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting too much out of CITY OF ROTT so I can't say I was disappointed. When I initially began hearing about it awhile back I was expecting a bit more, but once I uncovered more info on it, I was prepared for the stylized but somewhat juvenile-looking animation and "silly" storyline.

Fred is an old guy who talks to his walker and is roaming around a zombie infested city looking for a new pair of shoes. His old ones aren't holdin' up anymore, and he's willing to risk infection to find some new kicks. The zombies in the city are caused by worms that infest human brains and take over motor-function, reanimating people in search of more food. Fred maintains through all this, cuz he's pretty kick-ass at wielding his walker as a weapon, and is also pretty efficient with any weapons that he comes across along the way. Fred ends up meeting a few other "survivors" at different intervals along the way while still avoiding infection - until the last third of the film where everything takes a slightly out-in-left-field "twist"...

CITY OF ROTT is entertaining enough for the most part, but I can't say that I really loved it either. It dragged at certain parts and many kill-scenes were repetitive - the whole production had a video-game-like feel in the way that the story and action played out. There's plenty of animated splatter on hand but I found the storyline hard to get into. Definitely an interesting film as you don't see too much American made "adult" animation - and definitely nothing as gory as this - so to zombie, animation, and splatter fans - I'd definitely say that it's a one-time "must-see" - but I'd suggest a rental, not sure how much re-play value this one has...7/10
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An old man, his walker and a city full of zombies...
paul_haakonsen22 April 2012
"City of Rott" is a very ambitious project, and it ultimately turned out to be quite alright in the end. For an animated movie of this type, "City of Rott" is rather entertaining.

We follow the old man Fred who is on the streets of the city looking for a pair of new shoes. Fred is not all by sound mind. And the city is filled with the walking dead, rotting corpses controlled by worms.

Now what made "City of Rott" work out well enough was the sheer amount of gore and mayhem. Sure, it is animated, but there was something oddly fulfilling by seeing Fred dispose of the zombies with his walker. And the sounds were good as well.

The story, well that was a bit under average, because it wasn't really all that believable. For two-thirds of the movie, the story does have coherency and it is semi-alright, but then at the last third of the movie, it starts to stagger and the story jumps around a lot, letting us follow different people that seemingly have very little to do with the main story. Time filler perhaps?

As for the animation itself, well the style used here is not what you'd otherwise see in Anime, cartoons from the 80's and 90's, but it is more in the likes of Flash animated movies as seen on the Internet. There is a lot of using the same figures over and over, but in overall, that was a minor flaw in the animated movie.

"City of Rott" is worth watching more than once, though years should pass in between the watchings.
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I'm not dead, I'm just drawn that way.
BA_Harrison10 October 2011
City of Rott is a home-made, animated (Flash-based?) feature-length movie set in a post apocalyptic city where parasitic worms have turned most of the population into flesh eating zombies; wandering through the streets of the corpse strewn metropolis—an old man, teetering on the edge of insanity (he holds conversations with his zimmer frame!), desperately searching for a new pair of comfy slippers...

City of Rott's creator Frank Sudol has gotta be admired for the dedication and effort required in making this gory animated movie—look at the credits and you'll see that he single-handedly wrote, drew, animated, scored, edited and voiced everything in the film—but even though I have nothing but respect for the guy, I do believe that, in turning his idea in to a 77 minute zombie epic, he chomped just a little more than he could chew.

The initially rather charming concept soon becomes very repetitive, and as much as I love me some intense carnage (even animated intense carnage), watching a crudely-drawn, senile codger repeatedly smashing heads with his walking frame soon becomes very tedious. Some fun can be gleaned throughout from the numerous in-jokes that proliferate the film (often in the form of signs/billboards/graffiti in the city), but in the end, this would have worked so much better if it had been kept to a running time of well under half an hour.

4.5 out of 10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
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A Good Watch
phoenix_kim8 July 2007
I had never heard of this movie and had only come across it whilst searching for some zombie movies to satisfy my hunger.

It was an unusual yet interesting watch to begin with; I've never seen a full animated zombie movie before.

The plot was simple and to the point, even though it may not have made proper sense, it was funny.

I found Fred to be a great lead character and enjoyed him throughout...well...You'll find out the rest.

All in all, I enjoyed it quite a lot, may not have been the best movie ever but if you are into zombie flicks/animation this will satisfy your hunger. There is also some good animated gore too, never thought I'd say that.

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a unfinished but ok movie
stonecoldshitter24 October 2018
I am not good at reviewing movies but i can say this

here is a few bad things about the movie

first: sometimes the animation is horrendous the fight scenes are good but when the main character is just walking around doing stuff it looks like hes just sliding instead of walking

second: since this is basically a one man project the maker had to voice it all by himself that ended up with some of the voices just sounding bad

third: the ending is unfinished and you cant tell most people motives or why they do the things they do hopefully this gets cleared up in the next city of rott

fourth: the old man (main character) takes up most of the movie like a good hour or so you see those 4 people on the little picture they get a small amount of time each and that girl is only seen in the start of the movie from what i watched

now here is some good things about the movie

first: the gore is god tier flash gore its enjoyable watching the fighting because of it or even just the zombies eating flesh looks good

second: the idea for zombies is pretty good the idea has been used before but its still good and adds to the gore

third: the main character is pretty fun to watch its fun to listen to him talk or watch him do stuff

probably would give this a rewatch in a couple of years or when the next one comes out
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Maybe this one isn't for everyone.
jordan-00731 August 2006
Do you like zombie movies with lots of gore? Do like weird animated movies? This little zombie flick may still not be for you. There will be a select little group of people that will "get" this movie, and to those lucky people it will be awesome. Once I got into it I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Instead of the usual frantic group of people running for their lives you have one senile old man and his walker looking for a pair of shoes. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of zombies, and plenty of bloodshed. Thats definitely what makes this film unique. If your looking for a way different take on zombie film then this flick just might be for you!
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A worthwhile watch for horror fans who love gore and a few good chuckles
kevin_robbins19 November 2022
City of Rott (2006) is a movie that I recently discovered on Tubi. The storyline follows an old man trying to survive a zombie apocalypse without getting infected. He needs some new shoes and food and will try to avoid both zombies and survivors.

This movie is directed, written and voiced by Frank Sudol (Dead Fury) in his directorial debut. The storyline for this picture is a lot of fun following an old man who spends all day arguing with his walker. The animation is as simple as it gets but entertaining and well done. There's a ton of worthwhile gore and I enjoyed both the the eating sequence and any time worms were involved. There's a sanitation team scene that's real good too. The dialogue is well written and better than it should be. The ending is a bit short, anticlimactic and could have been longer.

Overall, this is a worthwhile watch for horror fans who love gore and a few good chuckles. I would score this a 6.5-7/10 and strongly recommend it.
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Indeed a true work of Art
matthew00834 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Summary: All the World's water is infected with worms that turn people into zombies. This has been happening for a year or two. All water is infected including rain, river, filtered, All of it. An Old Man Named Fred goes through a city just to look for a pair of slippers(Loofers as he calls them) with perfect knowledge that this is happening.

The movie is well done. It's genius if anything. The movie is a non stop action film with an unrealistic number of zombies. The movie is insane, full of gore, and funny (in a sense). Although the movie is-in general- for zombie fans. I will agree with Evan Mugford; the walking through scenes are long and there are too many of them but the fighting scenes are to be admired. Over all I say to all the zombie fans of the world SEE THIS MOVIE!
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good if you remember it was the first movie ever from a one man production
Treyblowski26 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered this movie back in 2016, and after my first viewing I had a similar opinion to some of the other reviews and critique, but after re watching it a few times and checking out the filmmakers other works my opinion changed.

If you're like me and grew up in the 90s and frequented the site then the look and animation shouldn't bother you much.

it's got some great gory action, and some good bits of humor.

And it's just impressive one guy made something to this scale that came out fairly well. wholly recommend it and the rest of F.Sudols work
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i loved it!!
chew18714 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is just a quick comment on this movie. I loved it. It's funny it's very surreal and it kicks ass, if you like zombies and animation this is definitely right up your alley. The whole idea of the old man looking for a new pair slippers is great and the fact that he talks to his walker is just straight up funny, the script is wicked the humour is up there with the best if you like it surreal and the gore comes thick and very very fast. Now the animation is a bit cheep but believe me that doesn't matter its a great film. it's got elements of slither and pretty much all the good zombie films ever made. So i hope you find this review worth while and watch this movie trust me its well worth it.
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A masterpiece of animation
FryHigh4 October 2019
Remember those days when you were in school. Doodling away and staring out your window.

Well, those doodles have come alive and populated the City of Rott. What's impressive is the Frank Sudol did it all himself. From the drawing to animation to the voice acting. Yes, all the voice acting.

I admire you Frank. You pushed through it. You gave birth to something I couldn't tear my eyes away from.
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nogodnomasters3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The animation reminds me of a Nintendo game, "Zombies Ate my Neighbor", or something like that. It is low budget. The zombies are symbolic of our own society and how we all conform, i.e. act as zombies. Those who don't conform get eaten by those who do. There are all sorts of hints about the symbolism, too many in fact. I liked Fred listening to his walker to survive. It had that "Boy and His Dog" appeal going for it, but alas the walker wasn't really talking, it was the worms feeding off Fred's brain (more symbolism). The movie is slow at times, but so is Fred and his walker, moving through the city at zombie speed. You might want to fast forward through some of the repetitive zombie kill scenes. No cartoon nudity.
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