Run Rabbit Run (2023) Poster

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"Run Rabbit Run" has an interesting concept, but it didn't take full advantage of it.
chenp-5470830 January 2023
Saw this back at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival.

The story is about a Fertility doctor named Sarah begins her beloved daughter Mia's seventh birthday expecting nothing amiss. But as an ominous wind swirls in, Sarah's carefully controlled world begins to alter. Australian director Daina Reid takes influence on slow-burn artsy style horror movies like "The Babadook" and tries to create a chilly horror story about ghosts, children, and past. However, despite gorgeous camerawork and a great performance from Sarah Snook, "Run Rabbit Run" suffers from inconsistent narrative and uneven pacing. Reid no doubt does offer some interesting ideas and her talents are exposed. But the problem is that the film doesn't have a clear tone what it wants to be and the positive moments are overshadowed by dull writing and really unlikeable characters.

The production design is pretty simple but it helped to create the Australian landscape setting and creepiness. The performances are a mix of good and bad. As I mentioned Snook's performance was excellent as she was able to capture the emotions of her character but the performances from Lily LaTorre and Damon Herriman while they try their best, it didn't work as their performances were over or underacted. None of the characters were really investing and some of them really comes off as frustrating and I wish they were given enough depth but unfortunately had no emotionally barring to connect with. The story provides an interesting concept and scenario but the writing struggles to maintain itself and becomes really bland and predictable. I don't mind slow pace films as I enjoy art-house and slow pace films if the writing was done well. But here, the pacing ruins much of the films tension as the uneven pacing creates more of a dullness experience rather than feeling of being scared. Australian cinema is no strange to horror films as there are some great ones out there but there are also some really garbage ones as well. Here, it's not terrible but it just didn't work for me.

Rating: C.
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Coulda been a great movie...
thesweeze28 June 2023
Sarah Snook definitely nailed the part. She was the film's saving grace. All the actors were fantastic.

But alas, this movie was just too slow. I understand the need for character development, but there were just too many disjointed holes and illogical decisions made in the plot.

Also, why is it so trendy all of a sudden to make so-called horror movies so crazily dark? Don't these people have lights in their homes?

Little, Mia, or Alice, or whomever, doesn't do anything anyone tells her, so why does her mum keep leaving her in the house and telling her not to leave? What does she think is going to happen?

The movie is a bit of a mess, but still watchable. I wound up hating the mom, lol.
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What happened to the rabbit?
Bad_Penguin28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry but what was the point of the rabbit? Who left that rabbit for Mia to find? Did the rabbit escape from someone else's backyard and now some little kid is heartbroken about their pet going missing? Why is the rabbit just roaming free around the house at all times? Do people do that with their pet rabbits? Don't they just poo everywhere though? And what happens to the rabbit at the end? Do we know? Is it just hopping about in the hallway full of broken glass from all the broken pictures? I'm very concerned about the rabbit.

Also this movie is just way too slow, the atmosphere is great but you're just waiting and waiting and waiting for something, anything to happen. And nothing ever happens. You guess halfway through that Sarah is responsible for whatever happened to her sister. So the whole "grief bringing out deeply buried trauma to the surface" angle is quite obvious and not very well executed.

I also still have no clue whether the kid was possessed or whether the mum was just having a mental breakdown and hallucinating massively. Was there meant to be a supernatural element to it or was it meant to be more of a psychological study of repressed memories and their effect on the human psyche? Was it all just in Sarah's head? Did she even have a kid and an ex-husband?! We will never know because the film explains NOTHING.

Also what was the point of that bite wound on her hand that seemed very infected in one scene then completely forgotten about in the next then squirting puss later on, then forgotten again forever?! Was it supposed to mean smth? Was it a sign of smth? WAS IT ALL IN HER HEAD?!!!

So many questions (mostly rabbit-related) and zero answers.

No thanks.
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A miserable experience
jtindahouse28 June 2023
'Run Rabbit Run' is everything I hate in a horror film. An unrealistic story, that isn't scary or horrifying in any way and features extremely annoying characters that are impossible to care for. This was a tough watch for all the wrong reasons.

The film has no point. It has no reason for the audience to be invested. There are no stakes. You could say we are supposed to be curious about the explanation to what is going on, but the film isn't exactly subtle. We have the gist of what is happening, we just need some minor details filled in. It isn't enough.

But if you're in the mood for 100 minutes of a mother and daughter screaming at each other then this might just be the film for you. However, if you're like me and that sounds like the worst thing in the world, then chances are you'll detest watching this one as much as I did. 3/10.
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Sarah Snook is a Tour de Force
houseofhorror25 January 2023
While the premise may not have been anything groundbreaking as it resembles films and themes we've seen before, Sarah Snook delivers a sensational and captivating performance that is well worth it. An absolute joy to watch and definitely an actor to keep your eye on in the years to come as she continues to prove herself as one of the most talented actors of her generation. The cinematography is another strong point in this film with Australia playing an impressive part in the mise-en-scene. And hats off to the young Lily LaTorre for her eerie and dedicated performance. It may not be as fast paced of a film as a lot of moviegoers hope for but it offers ample space for the nuanced performances by our two leads.
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PedroPires9029 June 2023
What a disappointment. A good premise and an interesting first act that leads nowhere. A film that constantly revolves around the same thing, wrapped in a web that it can't unravel, becoming repetitive, unengaging, and predictable. Grief, trauma and a sense of guilt are big themes here and they proportionate some good scenes, but it becomes too much of the same, not justifying its duration at all.

Sarah Snook tries to swim against the tide, but even she becomes tiresome, having to go in circles in this story. To top it off, an ending that doesn't reward us for anything at all. This should have been good.
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Loved the idea of the plot but boring and still had so many questions
jgandmonica28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I find the whole past life thing really interesting so when I saw this advertised on Netflix I was like yes! Thriller? Horror? And past life? That's a bit of me, the acting is actually really good but the story is just boring and loads of questions are just left unanswered, I also feel like the ending is just really unsatisfying too

(Stop reading here to avoid spoilers)

The fact she was experiencing past life memories was not explored enough, the angry drawings? The dark rectangle they both draw? Why? Why did she kill her sister why is there no back story? Why did she stop speaking to her mom? I assume out of guilt but if so why was she fine with her dad but not her mom? There's just so much left unexplained, and a lot of it felt really unnecessary, I get her sister liked animals and didn't like rabbits being hunted but why is there a rabbit following them constantly in the film other than that? I thort the rabbit would have some actual significance, Is the sister possessing the daughter? Rather than is born again through her because why does her personality keep changing ? Why does she keep wearing a mask? I just feel like I have so many unanswered questions. How can the sister be a ghost AND be re-incarnated?
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I guess I'm one of the few that likes this film...
irishjenna30 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was more of a thriller with a mother that had a psychotic break and killed her daughter and ex husband at the end. All of this stemming from her buried trauma of killing her sister as a child and telling her parents she had run away. Though some may see it as a supernatural movie, I beg to differ, hear me out...

So we have Sarah, who's a doctor dealing with the recent death of her father. Her daughter, Mia, is turning 7, the same age as her sister, Alice, when she "disappeared". And she also has to engage with her mother, whom she had been long estranged from. Her mother had stayed in the house hoping Alice would some day come home, while Sarah and her dad moved to the city. After her dad's death and her mom being in a nursing home she has to go to the old childhood house and pack everything. All of these factors are leading to her mental deterioration.

We start with the rabbit on the front porch that her daughter insists they keep. The rabbit doesn't appear until after Mia starts making ominous comments about missing her grandmother that she's never met. At this time Sarah also receives a birthday card for Mia from the grandmother, which she later burns. The rabbit is a symbol for Alice. Sarah, later in the movie, tells Mia that Alice and her were very different. Alice loved animals and was appalled that their father, who considered rabbits to be pests, would kill them. Sarah would go check the traps for their dad and Alice detested this.

Mia doesn't start to get super creepy until she witnesses her mom trying to chuck the rabbit she took in over the fence. At that point the rabbit bites Sarah and Mia starts to wear a pink rabbit mask. The bite festers throughout the movie, which could allude to unhealed wounds from the past that's infecting her.

I also feel Sarah started to abuse Mia. Mia's head wounds and nose bleeds were similar to the ones that Alice had after being hit in the head. Mia was becoming more scared of Sarah, shaking her head when Sarah asks her if she is being bullied by someone at school and withdrawing into herself. OR it could be that the head wounds and nose bleeds were a figment of Sarah's imagination and this freaked Mia out.

Mia was also not the one drawing the creepy pictures. Sarah was drawing the pictures in her deluded state, as we see at the end of the movie when she is lying on the floor scribbling a black rectangle.

This is what concluded for me that Sarah was crazy and there was no supernatural entity. She was seeing her sister Alice in Mia. She kept blurring their faces, she told Mia that she looked like her sister (dark hair and freckles). She was the one that smashed all the family photos in the hallway and trashed Alice's bedroom.

Now, why I do I believe she killed Mia and her ex husband at the end? Well, during one of her dream states she is walking to the edge of the cliff, her father calls her name and reaches for her asking where Alice is. She then looks down and she is holding hands with Mia by the cliff- the same cliff she pushed her sister off. Sarah looks at her ominously and then Mia starts screaming. She wakes up to Mia actually screaming and finds her in Alice's bed. How did she end up there when she was initially sleeping in Sarah's bed? Mia's head is bleeding once again and Sarah cuts her up with scissors trying to get a better look at the wound. Mia is very scared of her mom and recoils at her comfort.

So now it's morning and Sarah had Mia back in her bed. She hears banging out in the barn and this is where we get the full story on what she did to her sister as a child. She locked Alice in an old armoire in the barn while they played. When she unlocks it Alice attacks her, Sarah then grabs one of their dad's steel rabbit traps and hits Alice in the head with it. Alice runs and Sarah chases her yelling that she is sorry. When Alice turns around and they both see how bad Alice's head wound is (severe bleeding from the head and nose) this is the point of no return. Sarah doesn't want to get in trouble and Alice starts screaming. Sarah pushes her off the cliff. BUT, in current time she actually pushed Mia off the cliff. If you look closer, after she hit Alice in the head with the rabbit trap she looks up and it's Mia standing at the barn door. Mia starts to run and she chases her, just like she did with her sister.

We fade to black and Sarah wakes up scribbling a black rectangle on the floor while her ex husband is frantically banging on the front door. She suddenly comes to like she's been in some sort of trance and they can't find Mia. They run down the cliff side and she jumps into the water and sees a body. Though you can't make out the face I'm sure it is Mia. When her and her ex get back to shore they find Mia huddled under a bush. I think this was all in Sarah's head. Mia and her ex were already dead at this point. After they are all hugging the screen fades to black and then you see Sarah going to visit her mom, but she is still wearing the dirty, wet clothes she had on. Why would she travel all the way to the nursing home like that and not change?

Why? Because she wasn't in a clear frame of mind. She comes back home and her ex and Mia are sleeping in Alice's room. Back in that room, I see. She lays next to Mia, with her grungy gross clothes and talks to her like she is Alice, telling her she is sorry for what she did and that she lied to their parents. Mia's eyes are wide open, and still so in the morning when she, like a ghost, slides downward out of her mothers arms. Sarah wakes up and looks at her ex husband oddly, as he is laying in a strange position on the bed with a pillow over his head. She then walks into the other room and sees out the window that Alice and Mia are holding hands walking towards the cliff. They turn around to look at her, Mia is sporting that sore on her head and also has gashes all over her arms.

Mia was dead before the ex showed up. The ex never went down to the water with her, I'm sure she killed him when he went into Alice's bedroom looking for Mia. Everything after that was Sarah's delusion.
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Slow as mud with no payoff.
jdanozjvh30 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So spoiler alerts here if you intend on watching I apologize for this film and the roughly 2 hrs you'll never get back. Let's see first from about a 30 second clip the main character Sarah is a medical professional yet....kid flips a switch one day and starts saying she isn't Sarah's daughter but her missing sister reincarnate? So I guess not missing but dead? As a medical professional she obviously takes her to get professional help right? Nope! But when her teacher says she's having anxiety and drawing messed up pictures that surely prompts a psych consult? Nope. Ok well what about several bad nosebleeds out of nowhere for a 7 yr old. Surely a mother gets her help right? Nae just a tissue. So about an hour in and this kid has her hand broken in a car door, Mike Tyson type nosebleeds, and oh yea split personality but the medical pro mom just drags her all over her own trauma. Completely unreal premise, no back story until the end, and logic screws right off.....don't waste your time.
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I've seen every thriller & horror movie under the sun. For a psychological thriller, this was a solid film
katiebugg-499713 July 2023
Was it the best movie I've ever seen? No.

It felt a little long and drawn out, but production quality and acting was strong. Even the storyline ended up coming full circle and giving the audience resolution and answers to the questions which I really appreciated. Usually this type of movie will end up leaving you to feel confused or they'll leave you on a cliff hanger. I appreciate that things were explained and that the story made sense in the end.

I loved the creepy/eerie shots. Like when they would stare at the black hole in the fireplace or staring into the black empty dresser. I feel like the storyline compares to movies like Hide and Seek (2005) or The Watcher (2022), but it had a very dark, unsettling, eerie feeling that compared to The Witch (2015) and Hereditary (2018). It's nowhere near as scary as either or those movies, but the music and camera work had similarities.

If you enjoy thriller or horror, then I think it's worth a try. Especially with the lack of horror movies and thrillers on the market right now.
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Ani_30 June 2023
If you want to waste your time then press play. Very painful to watch, extremely uninteresting, very predictable, they could of turned this to something mind-blowing but chose the boring route.

I must say, when I mean it is painful to watch, it gets even worse... you want to keep watching just to make sure you really predicted right, but they extend it so long and generally the plot is so slow developing, which makes this the most irritating experience ever. I am unhappy with Netflix that they keep showing such failures as top 10 movies... like really? I feel like their top 10 is getting worse and worse!
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Not Confusing At All.......
brathwnh4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am confused as to why so many people are confused about this movie. First of all it is a thriller and NOT a horror movie, although it employs horror elements to tell this woman's harrowing and sad story. American audiences want so many things spelled out to them that with a little critical thinking should be evident.

SERIOUS SPOILER ALERT: The mother was having a psychotic break with reality after the death of her father and her daughter turning the same age as her sister was when she killed her. They didn't BOTH draw pictures of the rabbit, only the mother was drawing pictures of the rabbit on the back of her daughter's homework. Her daughter wasn't actually having nosebleeds and head injuries. She only hallucinated seeing them on her daughter as they were the identical wounds she had inflicted on her sister herself. At some level, the mother obviously knew she was coming undone and that she couldn't fully trust her own perception of reality, which is why she didn't take her daughter to the doctor for these hallucinated injuries. It also isn't difficult to read between the lines that Sarah's mother most likely favored her little sister or so Sarah perceived, and that she acted meanly toward her little sister due to jealousy.

All of these "unanswered" questions and confusion a lot of people are complaining about can be answered by taking into account we are only seeing "reality" from the point of view of the person who is having a psychotic break. That is why the movie works as a thriller. It is unsettling to be in the seat of the villain desperately trying to maintain a coherent and honorable sense of themselves in the wake of the repressed trauma they are responsible for creating in the firstt place. I love that things aren't neatly spelled out and that we have to imagine what really happened at the end given the fact that we have such an unreliable narrator in Sarah. It I much more disturbing that way.
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Definitely doesn't deserve the very low scores others gve it
kessiebear-249361 July 2023
Yeah, it's an Australian film, with a significantly lower budget than anything Hollywood has to offer but the suggestion that it's not a real horror movie is both ignorant and shows the excessive level of gore and action needed for a brainless and desensitised generation.

It was more a thriller horror; but one that followed the likes of a more old school style.. slow build up (which a lot of people now don't have the patience to sit through), eeriness with some mild violence (rather than excessive blood and guts, just for the sake of it), and again, an obviously lower budget, though I felt the setting and style made it more creepy than expensive, clean film work.

Anyone who gave this a lot score clearly doesn't actually appreciate film.. they just need something loud and chaotic, to distract them from their boring reality.
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Unlikable characters; predictable yet confusing
sidneyhummel29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story felt like a creative writing project of a pretentious college sophomore who wants there to be important symbolism and thinks they've written an original, cerebral film, when it is in fact both predictable and confusing- not in a fun way.

I almost didn't write a review because so many of the reviews here are what I want to say anyhow. Firstly, both Sarah and Mia/Alice are completely annoying. I don't feel bad for the little girl even though I probably should, and I don't feel bad for Sarah- in fact I kept wishing that her ex husband would swoop in and get full custody of Mia.

Second, there's the question of whether or not Mia was possessed by Alice, or Sarah was just hallucinating the entire experience out of grief, triggered by Mia turning 7 (the age Alice was when Sarah killed her) is unclear and not in a fun "left for us to decide" way. It's just frustrating, among many other things, such as Mia/Alice flopping back and forth- why isn't Mia asking questions about Alice? Why is Alice seemingly asking questions about herself? Does she just want Sarah to talk? Why does no one notice that Sarah is tormenting and hurting her child? Why does Sarah keep leaving her child alone even though she might be possessed or self harming? So many questions unanswered in a way that was completely unsatisfying.

Third, I suppose Mia, being called "bunny" by Sarah, is the rabbit who should run in the title, because her mother and apparently Alice's ghost (?) is out to get her, but the imagery of the rabbit seems to serve no purpose, or at least none that I've figured out.

Lastly, WHY does it take Sarah SO LONG to tell us, or anyone, what happened? The audience had the whole traumatic sister murder figured out way before she even said it. Not suspenseful. Just annoying.
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Mia Mia Mia Mia
tknmzombie5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you were to play a drinking game where everyone had to drink every time they heard Mia, the whole group would be in a coma 15 minutes into the film and fully dead by the halfway point.

As well, this is being advertised as the scariest film on Netflix, and is supposed to be more frightening than Hereditary.

I am here to tell you that it is not frightening whatsoever. While you obviously watch the film wondering if the child is possessed, or just took a bump on the head. It doesn't seem like it is frightening because the mom is annoying as all heck, and the kid is worse.

If she is supposed to be there as a fright-child, she failed. If I could have tossed her off the ledge, to follow her missing aunt, to her death. I would have gladly, just to close her gob.

Now that I think back to the start of the film, where Mia's step brother gave her a smack on the head. We would have all thought, at that time he was a spoiled little brat with no manners. But now, I think he was onto something.

It is not a horror film. It's a story solving a family's long hidden secrets. And in doing so, the next generation is sacrificed.
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Struggling to think of a worse film
psjmmorgan13 July 2023
Believe the critics. I can't think of anything to say that is positive about this film. Poor script, badly acted, repetitive scenes irritating characters, lots of pointless screaming and shouting. Even saints and social workers would have their patience tested by this dross. Avoid it. Unless you enjoy the equivalent of 2 hours of nails running down a blackboard Maybe that is the point of the film - to annoy the watcher to the point that it brings out the worst in them!

How this is no 1 in Netflix is beyond my ken. Unless Netflix only had one film on their library the day that I watched it.

Don't waste your time dear viewer.
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Such a waste
lucatvlover30 June 2023
It started with a lot of promise, the right amount of tension, engaging actors and a story that was worth following for about half an hour. Then bang, suddenly the stereotypical features of a horror film start gliding in - the unexplained appearance of the bunny, the disappearing photo frames and all with no connection to the story that was vaguely being established. Unfortunately the drama within the horror fails. Sarah Snook does her very best but the role is underwritten and goes nowhere in the end. The idea that her character is evil isn't established at all so when she's suddenly hurting others in the film it really falls flat.

Such a shame because it started very well but the writing didn't hold up and should have had some serious script consultancy. If you love horror then you can give this a miss.
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If You Are Going to Read a Spoiler, CHOOSE THIS ONE.
setgetsiin4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's best to probably read this and by my telling you this, it's not exactly a spoiler. Mom is nuts. Something triggered (I HATE that word) the mother when the child turned seven years old. Nothing you see is a hundred percent ACTUALLY happening. Especially regarding the child. The mother-Sarah-is absolutely out of her mind bonkers. It didn't start with the kid turning seven years old--I mean, in the MOVIE, it appears to start with the birthday party--but flashbacks help us see that she's been out of her mind for quite a while. Oh wait, there's more: I think her father passing away might have been the first set of blocks to fall or marbles to lose. I think her father was her FRONT; I think her Mother was estranged because mother KNEW.

I think a lot of the explanations that others are complaining about ended up on a cutting room floor for whatever reason. But if you go into the movie knowing the mother is out of her mind, that makes the movie SO much better. Because now it's genuinely on YOU--the viewer--to figure out if she's doing all the harm herself, is she actually murdering people, is that rabbit even THERE, is the kid saying have the stuff her mother THINKS she's saying...this is all on YOU to figure out.

I wish they did chapters, I do.

Chapter One: The birthday bite. (Perhaps mother is NOT crazy, and the sepsis from the animal bite is making her even MORE insane--that was another theory I had.) Chapter Two: Who IS this child, anyway...?

And so on.

Enjoy the excellent acting (imo).

If you are going to read about spoilers, this is the one to read. It might make the ride so much better.
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If you can listen to an overly emotional drunk Cellist for 2 hours, enjoy.
PlutoZoo30 June 2023
It may seem strange that the music is my first mention of what's lacking with this movie, but the music exactly reflects the storyline and plot, long, drawn out, repetitive and nauseatingly misguided. If a neighbour straining across the Cello at 3am after an emotional hiccup Isn't likely to annoy you, then enjoy. If however you're in any way reasonable, you'll likely find this film too affected in it's misguided belief that the story is in any way original or unpredictable. From the little girl to the lead actress, Sarah Snook (who isn't any different here to the role she plays in Succession, comfy trouser-pants and all) the film is a diatribe of annoyance and irritation. It's so easy to figure out and despite the mewling Cello music, there are no jump scares and it's entirely as expected, mediocre and miserable. Greta Scacchi was wasted and could have had a better, bigger role and the writing really let down the cast. It simply didn't work as a haunting psychological thriller and there were many directions it could have gone but didn't. The writing and direction asked the audience to suspend their disbelief for too long, promising something terrible to come, yet delivering nothing but a mentally unstable women, something that even the Rabbit picked up on from the outset. The rest was a slog and not worth the time or effort.
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....rabbit, run, run, run. Enjoyable Aussie chiller.
Sleepin_Dragon29 August 2023
Sarah gets increasingly more concerned with her daughter Mia's behaviour, after her birthday party, Mia puts on a creepy mask, and claims she's now Alice.

Is it just me, or does every single new film that comes out seen to have score of about 5.3 or so, it's almost assured these days.

For what it's worth, I really did enjoy it, a solid, imaginative Australian horror thriller, well paced, with several surprising moments. It is jam packed with atmosphere, it's one of those films that has you on edge the whole time.

You know whenever you see a bunny rabbit at a birthday party that there's going to be trouble.

Sarah Snook puts in a very solid performance as Sarah, but young Lily LaTorre is excellent as Mia, she's such a troubled child, she manages to make her character so sincere, believable.

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"You're a monster"
h222329 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is disturbing. Basically it's about a truly despicable human being who got away with something unspeakably horrible many years ago, and whose loved one suffers the consequences in present day.

I don't want to give spoilers, but that's the gist. I'm giving it 5 stars because I don't want to downrate the movie just because I hated the subject matter (and I really hated the subject matter -- the bad character is irredeemably bad).

I'd rate it higher, but it's SO slow-moving for the first 2/3 of the movie that I felt myself just about wanting to fast-forward to see if I would actually be rewarded for the interminable scenes where n o t h i n g happens except ominous music building to a crescendo and then abruptly stopping. Plus, the end is extremely unsatisfying.

I'd rate it lower, but the acting and cinematography were both quite good. (The sweeping scenes of Australia's beautiful yet foreboding landscape alone were enough to bump the film up a couple of stars.) And even though the ending was unsatisfying personally, from a storytelling perspective it wasn't actually that bad (though it still could have been done with more impact).

Not a terrible movie, but definitely don't expect to leave with any good feelings -- and be prepared for a too-long ride.
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Upgraded My Rating from 5 to 8...
Mehki_Girl3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
... after a second viewing. My first impression was much like everyone else's - confusing, unlikable people, slow, dreadfully slow, so many things unexplained...who is Joan, who is Alice, and why the rabbit?

And then I read a review on here that explained the movie and decided to take a second look and this time actually pay attention.

On initial viewing, the movie seemed to be 3 hours long. On second viewing, it seemed more like one hour and ten minutes.

The movie actually gets right into it to establish the characters. Yeah, you have to pay attention from the beginning. You are made to infer many things. Some things don't click until after the movie and then you see how clever it really is.

The mom is a doctor. That's established in one short scene. It's relevant only in that, later, we don't see her acting like a doctor when it's clearly called for. Hint #1 that something isn't quite right.

It's also her daughter's birthday. And she just turned 7. Her birthday, if we're paying attention, is immediately disturbing to mom. We don't know why just yet.

The daughter begins to act strangely, and is it because she is possessed or because she's an abused child trying to make sense of her mom's bizarre behavior? Is she being bullied at school or bullied at home?

If we're paying attention, we learn that mom has issues during Mia's, the daughter's, birthday party. Her ex husband, asks her how's she doing and to tell him if and when she's not doing well, feeling sick. Later, towards the end. We see that she calls him and tells him she's not doing well. He comes as quickly as he can.

But before we get there... After the opening short medical scene, establishing mom's a doctor, the mom and daughter arrive home during what looks like what will become a storm - this is foreboding that trouble is ahead.

She finds her garage open, we see boxes inside, and a white rabbit is on the doorstep, which the daughter immediately takes a shine to. Dad and his new gf are coming for a small birthday party that evening.

Mom doesn't want nor like the rabbit and tries to get rid of it that same night. The rabbit bites her. The bite will fester throughout the movie. We get a short shot of the daughter observing this from the window above and the next day she starts wearing a rabbit mask. Mom acts very disturbed by this. What's mom's issues with rabbits? Why is the daughter hiding behind a mask?

Mom's dad has died and the daughter, Mia, misses him. Later we deduce that mom is estranged from her own mother, Joan (we initially don't know who "Joan" is), when the daughter, Mia, says she misses her (she's never met her) and wants to see her; that she's always misses people she doesn't know. We'll understand this better later. Mom is very disturbed by this. Is Mia possessed or a reincarnation?

Earlier we also saw that Joan had sent a birthday card to Mia, which the mom burns. She's also getting phone calls and rejecting the calls. She lies to her daughter when asked who's calling. Mom says no one. Mia said, a ghost? And giggles. Mom is alarmed.

Mom finally answers to the nursinghome where Joan lives, because she now has dementia and dad is no longer around to take care of her needs. Mom is very reluctant to take over. She reluctantly takes her to Joan, so Mia can meet her grandmother for the first time.

Immediately, the mom, Joan, believes that Mia (the granddaughter) is her long missing daughter, Alice. (Besides Joan's name coming up earlier and we had no immediate reference as to who that is, we also don't quite know who Alice is either). Mia responds to this and says, she's Alice. This upsets Mom, and Joan and Mia are forcibly separated and mom immediately leaves. Now Mia revvs it up, saying she's Alice, her grandmother said so, further upsetting mom.

Joan is never leaving this place to go back to the home she kept while waiting for her daughter, Alice, to return. Mom and her dad finally had moved away, while dad kept in touch with his wife and her needs.

Mom now goes to the old house to clean up, but she's descending deeper and deeper into the trauma of her missing sister. She starts to see the sister and starts to see her in Mia. Against her violent objections, Mia takes Alice's old room.

Mom's been having disturbing dreams which revv up. She has a bad dream about her sister. But did the events of the "dream" happen in real life and she's reenacted what really happened to Alice and now Mia? She's removed pictures from the wall, but they are back again. Mia said she never touched them. Mia sports a head injury and nosebleed. Mom grabs a large pair of scissors and violently plunges them at her daughter to cut her hair away to see the wound. Who's hurting you, mom screams. The child is truly frightened and fights back. The wound is gone, but the cuts on her arms are real. Mom is clearly seeing things not there.

The next day, the father shows up and Mia is missing. Dad is banging on the door and mom awakes as if in a trance. She'd been lying on the floor drawing something black, like a door, on the floor. Earlier, the back of Mia's homework had shown disturbing pictures that appeared to be drawn by a child. Mom never did anything about it after being told about it at school. She thinks someone is bullying Mia. She also found drawings in a library book. Mia swore she never did that. Mom had looked behind Mia's drawings and saw the same disturbing drawings, but did nothing - all this happened back at the house, but indicates Mom may have been doing things and then had no memory later, adding to the stress of Mia and may explain her earlier and later behaviors...Anyway, back to the ending -

Ending: In the end we learn Mom was the one drawing the pictures. The birthday of her daughter began to trigger the trauma of killing her sister at the same age of 7 and lying about it. It appears she didn't much like her sister and wasn't a protective older sister. She may have repeated some of the behaviors with her own daughter, like playing hide and seek but never seeking her, just like she did with her sister, Alice. She locked her up one day, perhaps when they were playing hide and seek, and when Alice got out, she was furious and attacked mom who struck her with a heavy object. The head injury and nosebleeds are mimicked in the daughter's nosebleeds and injuries - are they real, or imagined?

When the Alice realized she was covered in blood, she screamed and afraid she'd tattle, I suppose, mom pushed her sister off a cliff. She then told her parents she had runaway. Dad took her and moved away when Mom Joan couldn't move past her grief. She never spoke to her mom again.

When she was hallucinating that Alice returned, it was really Mia and she pushed her off the same cliff or killed her in some other way. She also killed the husband. We see Mia in Alice's room and the husband, both "sleeping" in odd positions. She hallucinates that Mia and Alice are going off together towards the cliff in the end. She appears helpless to stop them.

But what about the rabbit? I believe she brought the rabbit and she's the one who left the garage open. The husband mentioned he noticed the garage and all the boxes (which contained pictures of Alice, mom, Joan, and the now deceased dad), when he went to check the kids during the birthday party early in the movie. He was not the one who left the garage open so had to be mom. We constantly see the rabbit and it may be real or mom's hallucination. We never see the daughter interacting with the rabbit again. Did Mom kill it and burn it along with the birthday card and Mia saw?

We later learn that Alice loved animals, while the mom had no problem going with dad to clean the rabbit traps. Signs of a sociopath? No regard for living things including her own sister? Alice would bring home strays like rabbits, a dog, and even a bird (mom thinks she hits a bird on the way to the nursing home).

I'm not sure exactly how mom killed Mia, but she may have beaten her with what looked like a horse bridle after thinking she is attacked by the long dead Alice locked in a closet in the barn and then thinking she's chasing her, runs into the house, still holding the weapon, where Mia has insisted she stay in Alice's old room. She may have hit her in the head like she did her sister, and then thrown her over the same cliff and later retrieved her body and put it in the bed, because we later see Mia cradled in her arms. And for a moment we breathe a sigh of relief. She also may have killed dad, her ex, as soon as he arrived and she hallucinated they were both searching for Mia and finding her alive. Mom dived into the water and we see that she sees a body. We think she is hallucinating Alice, but it might have been Mia's real dead body. I mentioned we later see mom cradling Mia. The room is a wreck. She falls asleep, the last morning comes and Mia creepily slides out of her arms - Now we for sure Mia is dead and her body was in that water.

Other things: We are lead to believe that Joan was abusive, but I think she couldn't let her grief go, knew her daughter was mean toward Alice (it's alluded to by Mia that dad knew this and he needed to keep an eye on her even in death), and the distancing on both sides began.

Why was Mia acting the way she was? Well, her mother had past trauma and it's alluded to having mental and emotional issues. Mia may have been reacting to what was going on as far as her mom's hallucinatory and abusive actions. Also, she may have been reacting to the fact that no one would clearly explain the family secrets. As she said, "no one tells me anything". She missed people she'd never met, probably because her grandfather shared tantalizing tidbits and she longed for more information on her family. She was a single child, living in a dark house, with no pets and seemingly no friends (none show up for the little birthday party)

When you keep secrets from children, they will create their own truth.
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Alice? Mia? What?
christineballone28 June 2023
I usually like this kind of film and I wholeheartedly went into it since there were only 2 reviews at the time! If I had known that this film is so slow and makes you hoping something, just something please happen, I wouldn't have wasted my time! That's essentially how I feel , that I wasted my time! Even though I have to applaud the acting abilities of the main character and even her daughter the movie just stretched on and on. The film deals with the concept of something bad happened in the past but the main protagonist doesn't remember ( or does she?) We are made believe that the grand mother is evil ( but is she , really?) What role does the grand father play in all this? Without giving anything away there was not much horror and suspense, not enough to keep me from pausing and getting up several times to do chores ! The ending also is very disappointing! Overall the whole film feels spliced together with different people popping in and out at different times and having no impact on the story! I don't think it's worth watching but if you don't mind the slow pace go ahead!
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jamosmonk30 June 2023
The poor reviews from other people are accurate. The way it progresses is aggravating, annoying and unbelievable. The scene with the scissors illustrates the idiocy at play quite succinctly. Firstly, the characters aren't ever introduced. People's names are spoken and we are never told who they are or their relationships to other characters. Only what we ourselves figure out are what we know. Secondly almost every every character is immediately unlikable. There are no redeeming or sympathetic qualities. Thirdly, almost every character acts or converses in unbelievable ways.

It's just not a well put together film. It had the actors and funding to have been a good film but it's like the screenwriter justdidnt know how to do the job. And lastly, was Sarah Snook deliberately made to look like a frumpy fat blob for a reason?
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Sarah Snook worthy of a better movie
jtomlinson-482048 July 2023
What a waste of talent. It's just a silly stupid movie. It was definitely not horrifying, it was just in bad taste. There is a difference. I don't for a minute believe Elizabeth Moss was ever going to make this movie. I think they used that to snooker Sarah Snook into doing the movie and shame on them. I'm sure she was probably also enticed by it being made in her homeland and she was expecting a baby, I think, about that time or just had a baby so there was a lot going on as well as wrapping up "Succession". Anyway I look forward to her future work in worthy pieces.

Be smart. Don't get suckered into lesser works.
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