"House M.D." Simple Explanation (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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Amazing episode about a touchy subject
dicksizee8 April 2009
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From the first scene we notice the unusually subdued colors, which successfully conveys a cold, sad mood, long before we realize that Kutner is dead. Many people were thoroughly shocked by his suicide, as I would have been, had I not been slightly spoiled by an article which said someone on House would commit suicide. Since House M.D. doesn't like to do the expected thing, I kinda predicted that it was Kutner who would kill himself. His discussion with Taub about suicide a few episodes before just seemed to point that way, if you knew what to look for. However, the last scene with House and Kutner in the previous episode had me convinced that his suicide would still be far away, which was some great misdirection by the writers.

I didn't really care about the medical mystery this episode, even though Meat Loaf turned in a nice performance, so my whole focus was on the drama side. For the first time in a long while they showed us a Gregory House who actually cared (as well as showed it) and was thoroughly shaken by what had occurred. Although he would never admit it, Kutner was so much like House it was sometimes scary. He took risks, had a similar sense of humor (Yes, a cat.), as well as keen intuition. In the end the fact there's no reason for Kutner's suicide makes this episode that much more chilling and realistic, which is probably the main reason for some of the hate this episode receives.

Throughout "Simple Explanation" one thing particularly stood out for me. The performances. Everyone was on top of their game this time. However, the Special Gold Acting Star™ with Sparkles (sold separately) goes to Peter Jacobson, who acted his ass off and actually made me cry when he broke down at the end, although the big funeral montage just before that might've had something to do with that... you know, weakened my defenses, which makes my crying in no way unmanly, I tells you.

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punctualsloth19 June 2021
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The comments about this not being a realistic suicidal situation are really alarming and just shows how much more awareness is needed around mental health.

This is the most realistic episode for me in the entire series. Depression and mental health issues don't come with a checklist of how you're supposed to act, folks.

A close friend of mine ended his life in his late 20s. He was successful and seemingly happy. None of us saw a sign. He left no note.

The fact that there is no closure in the episode is reflective of real life. You live the rest of your life wondering what you missed.

So no, it wasn't what you typically see portrayed in television and film as "suicidal". Maybe people are upset because they want to believe that if one of their loved ones were in this situation, they'd be able to see it and stop them. Life doesn't always work out that way.
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Reason for Penn's Removal from Show
slynn328 April 2009
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For those of you who have not heard, Kal Penn left House for a position in President Obama's administration as the Asian liaison. I was heart-broken to see Kutner's death; however, I have to give credit to the writers- having Kutner kill himself brings such a spotlight to suicide and the mystery and sadness it brings. If it had been 13, people would have said it was because of her illness. If it had been Taub, they would have said it's because of his marital problems. Kutner was such a shock. I think this episode was one of the best- the filmography was great, the acting (of course) was superb, and the writing was over the top. I am highly impressed with the show.
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'You only care about the puzzle'
kingsx_6426 June 2021
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When one of our favorite characters in a show leaves, we get pissed.

Was I pissed? Yup. Kutner was a great character. Lovable, funny, smart etc...But do I think in this instance it made for great cinema? Yup again.

As others have said. The writing was top notch. The acting was top notch. And how can we not love Meatloaf?

Another underlying theme in the show House is, he doesn't care about people, only in 'solving the puzzle'.

Wilson say's, 'you don't care about Kutner, you only care about solving the puzzle'. But I think this episode proves, House only cares about the puzzle, BECAUSE he cares. And this is why he obsesses about the puzzle. It's his way of showing he does care. Not with words, but with his actions.

All in all I'm sad to see Kutner go, but at the same time, I loved how they handled it.
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Lots of overlaps
merrykate-119 April 2009
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I thought it was an excellent, if disturbing episode. The way the 3 suicide story lines were interwoven was very interesting. One thing that really struck me about the show was that 2 of the main characters have played suicides in other shows - Wilson in the Dead Poet's Society and Foreman in ER. For me, both of those characters have been tainted with sadness because of their past character's actions. It was rather heartbreaking at the end to see House sitting in Lawrence's apartment, surrounded by his photographs, with no more clue of who the man had been or why he'd done it. Although it could have wound up feeling like an after-school special, I appreciated the producers adding the suicide hot line information at the end. I hope the devastation the characters feel at the loss of their friend might have an impact on someone considering suicide.
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Heartbreaking - Great Episode!
ridiculonius6 April 2009
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The episode begins with Eddie (Meat Loaf Aday) and his wife Charlotte; Eddie is dying of lung cancer, and Charlotte is watching over him, when suddenly her windpipe begins to close. Enter House and Princeton hospital. The team tries to diagnose Charlotte, Eddie meanwhile lying in the next bed. Everyone then realizes something very strange - Kutner isn't at work. After waiting for him a few hours, House sends Foreman and Thirteen to look for Kutner at his apartment. When he doesn't answer the door, they use their key to get in, only to find that he has committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

This episode was very strange for me. At first, I was incredibly excited that Meat Loaf, one of my favourite musical artists, was guest starring in the episode (and under the name Eddie, which was also the name of his character in The Rocky Horror Picture Show), but then the shock and impact of Kutner's suicide kind of ruined that for me. Kutner was always my favourite member of House's new team, and not just because I love Kal Penn as a rule. It was an incredibly rushed and as of yet unexplained death (despite House's many theories throughout the episode - including murder, a theory quickly brushed aside - no one really discovers why Kutner killed himself), and appeared to have no thought put into it. It was almost as if Kal Penn came up to the writers and said 'I'm leaving the show' just as they were writing the script, and they hastily included his death in there.

And yet, they did a good job. Taub had a great one-liner ("You can't feel that much guilt without love", which was relevant both to the patients, Eddie and Charlotte, and to Kutner's death), the song played at the end was great, and I'm sure more than a few heartstrings were tugged during the funeral scene.

Great Episode!
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Why Kutner?
cooke-108 April 2009
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Kutner was written off the show on request of Kal Penn as he got a job in the White House. This episode was well done and sad. It will take the show in an interesting direction. Kutner was a great character that almost everyone liked but to write him off in this way gives a part of the character we haven't seen.

The Episode itself was interesting with Taub showing little sadness over Kutner until the very end. Meatloaf was mediocre as well as the other character and were kinda a boring filler for the rest of the stuff. I think that was deliberate though. Overall a great episode. Good by Kutner/Kal Penn you were great !
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I was mesmerized...
kborror10 April 2009
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I was mesmerized by this show, could hardly draw a breath while watching it, and didn't cry until it was nearly over. I don't know when I've felt such deep shock over the death of a TV show character. Kutner's tragic suicide shook me nearly as much as it did Gregory House and his team. I thought "Noooo, not Kutner..." Ever since he turned his "6" upside down into a "9" I loved him for his humor and his dimples and the apparent simple joy he took in living. "Why??" we demand to know, right along with House, but no answers are revealed to us, either simple or complex.

Meanwhile there are two more looming deaths: Charlotte (Colleen Camp), suffering from respiratory failure of unknown origin, and her husband Eddie (Meat Loaf Aday, in an excellent performance), a terminal cancer patient who has been admitted to Princeton-Plainsboro just so Charlotte will remain for treatment.

Eddie, an emotionally distant man, realizes too late that he wishes he had been a more loving husband, but Charlotte also feels guilt over her own passive role in their marriage. They both want so badly to make it up to the other that each in turn is willing to commit suicide so that the other may live.

The episode illustrates the devastating effects of suicide on those left behind. Neither House nor his team are functioning at their usual level; House himself is uncharacteristically unreceptive to any new ideas and instead fixates on making sense of Kutner's death. Charlotte could have been saved but was diagnosed too late, and it took Cameron from the ER, who only had to see Eddie once, to question his cancer diagnosis. If she hadn't, the team would have lost Eddie as well.

But by juxtaposing Kutner's death with Charlotte's attempt and Eddie's planned attempt at suicide, the episode asks a great deal of us. Does suicide ever make sense? We are forced to accept that Kutner's does not. Charlotte "selflessly" tries to kill herself so Eddie can have her heart, but Eddie needs redemption more than a heart; if Charlotte had been successful, she would have been condemning him. Eddie himself wants so badly to make amends that, even after learning he can be cured, still wants to die in order to give Charlotte a chance to live. We ache for him but want to tell him this is not the answer. The writers provide a solution in the form of a liver arriving by medivac, but this only begs the question, what if there hadn't been one available? I have a feeling this episode will long remain in the thoughts of everyone who saw it. I felt not only sorrow for Kutner, but also sympathy for House and his team, and most especially for Eddie and Charlotte. A heartbreaking moment during Kutner's funeral occurred with a fade to Eddie and Charlotte's hospital room just as Pete Yorn sang the line "I'll settle for less" and then again when he sang "cause I'm gonna lose you" just as Eddie tenderly kisses Charlotte's hand goodbye, making her smile and making me cry.

This episode was so very well done, and the cast's performances were all either as good as always, or exceptional. Thirteen hasn't been a favorite of mine, but Olivia Wilde was so real upon finding Kutner's body, and in her scene at Foreman's door, and again at the funeral, that I'm looking at her in a new light.

The interaction between House and Eddie was fascinating and also surprising. We've come to expect patients to react to House's insensitivity in predictable ways, such as shocked silence, feigned indifference, or defensive anger, all of which stem from the perception of House as a threat on some level. But Meat Loaf portrayed Eddie as completely unintimidated by House. Eddie is not distracted by any defensive feelings and only wants to get to the bottom of things. Emotionally remote by habit or nature, he chuckles at the suggestion that his "emotional state" had affected his health. The last scene between House and Eddie is in fact almost a role reversal; House shows uncertainty while his patient is unwavering, with a quiet but steely resolve. House has genuine concern written all over his face, but Eddie's eyes are flinty.

At the end of the episode, most loose ends are tied up. Peter Jacobson's Taub, who has been in a cold, cynical state of denial, is finally able to cry. Thirteen and Foreman appear to have reached an understanding, at least for now. But I want to know what happens to Eddie. As Charlotte was dying, he gave her all he could, and what she most needed: simple affection. Will that one generous moment be enough to redeem Eddie in his own eyes? Eddie is not a warm and fuzzy person, but Meat Loaf makes us believe he has a forgiving heart, and gives us the hope that he can change. I wish we could find out how he fares.

And Gregory House, in the very last scene, is still looking with confused puzzlement at a photo of Kutner. Wilson had accused House of caring only about the puzzle, not about Kutner. But when Wilson had said "I was wrong about you," House had replied (too quickly?) "No you weren't." I want to know if House will be able to reach an understanding of his own feelings, and whether he will be changed by the experience. But I don't expect to have my question answered. The elusive nature of House's personality, arising from the conflict between what he says he believes and what we wish to believe about him, is a major driving force of the show. He makes us laugh, so we like him and want to find shreds of humanity in him. This can be difficult, but Hugh Laurie's exceptional talent makes us keep searching.

Kathy Borror, 10 April 2009
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With out a doubt -
Project-GPX7 April 2009
There is no canny explanation behind the fact that House fans build relationships with the characters within the series. We find ourselves outdone by the sheer drama and strong personal impacts that each episode, forth coming and past lasting, makes on us... This is simply an episode that generates a pillar, a corner stone, of what House M.D. is about.

For those who have followed every season, every episode, with every main character - you will feel the emotions that a true die-hard fan would feel. In that sense alone, you've been entitled to experience something that no others have.

For those who have never seen, and this is your first... Brace your selves for the experience of watching something mouth watering, worth-while, that doesn't make you regret wasting your life on...

Through all seasons of House M.D., with such strong and developed characters, actors, and episodes... This is truly a must see for any.
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A Simple Explanation - No Answer
saaiakani-822-895188 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While the medical drama in this rpisode was top shelf, the real impact of the episode was, of course, Kutner's suicide. Watching the team work through their various forms of grief was a stunning window into the mechanisms that drive each of them, House was the real treasure- in all reality, House's inability to accept that sometimes there is no answer, or you'll never get to know it, boiled torturously under the surface of Hugh Laurie's performance. It wasn't about the puzzle, it wasn't about solving it; he needed to diagnose Kutner to process the loss. He needed Kutner's suicide to make sense in order for him to be able to accept and deal with the loss.

And, just like in reality, sometimes you don't get to know the reason.

And sometimes, there isn't one.

Lightly foreshadowed in several earlier episodes (Kutner talking to Taub about suicide, House using the laser pointer to tease Debbie the Death Kitty around Kutner's feet), this emotional coup de grâce was delivered with all the delicacy and brutality we've come to expect from the show.

Simple Explanation follows House's Head/Wilson's Heart as one of the most evocative and brilliant episodes in the series so far.

And for all of those who claim this portrayal of suicide is unrealistic- I'm very happy for you that you've obviously never known the reality of this kind of traumatic event. But it's not only possible, not only probable, it happens nearly every day, if not several times a day. Bringing your ignorance into judging an episode of a TV show (unless you're a PhD in psychology) only hurts people out there on the edge of this very event. Don't bring that here.
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Unexpected, to say the least...
ellierolfe137 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As sad as this episode was for me, I also think it's one of the best I've ever watched. I was very fond of Kutner and his suicide was orchestrated perfectly in this episode. It was moving, fascinating, frustrating, clever and made you think - very good entertainment. This and Amber's death are two of the best story-lines ever to feature in House, in my opinion. One of the things I love about House is that they never try and sugar-coat the truth - it's unapologetic in its portrayal of human nature and behaviour. Few other programmes offer that sort of analysis, and this is what makes House so great. I'm going to miss Kutner the character, and Kal Penn's acting - he made Kutner funny, endearing, intelligent, approachable and realistic as a person. Wonderful episode. On a side note, I really hope Foreman and Thirteen survive this, because I love the relationship they have and I'd hate to see something drive them apart... lastly, I don't particularly like Taub - disagree with Kutner's decision or not, they worked together and he should have gone to the funeral, in my opinion.
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Bad idea
el_monty_BCN2 May 2009
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OK, so they had to write Kal Penn out of the show because of his new job in politics. That's fine, I can accept that, I knew I would miss Kutner, but I love every character in this show, so I didn't mind that much, I would still be entertained by the rest. I just wanted it to be well done. And the writers botched it. Sorry, but they did.

Reading through previous comments, I am very surprised to find that only one points out the glaring fact that suicide is completely contradictory with Kutner's personality. It would be like Cameron killing herself. It just wouldn't happen. The point of Kutner's character was that he was bubbly and always looked at the bright side of things, that he had been able to get over his traumatic childhood precisely because of the way he was, because he had never let his past drag him down and he had always looked ahead. Having him kill himself denies all the character development that came before, it's absurd. We can buy Taub having attempted suicide in the past because we can see he is a conflicted, tormented person; we could have bought it with 13 because of her illness. Damn, we could have even bought it with Foreman because after all these years he may feel stuck in life and unable to advance. But Kutner? Never! They could have gotten rid of him in so many ways! He could have caught a deadly virus while heroically exposing himself to save a patient, or he could have died in a car accident, or in an actual murder (like House suspected), or he could have just left the hospital to start his own clinic. Why did they have to make him kill himself?

I still give the episode a 5, mainly because I thought the case with Meatloaf and his wife was quite good. But making Kutner suicidal was a VERY BAD IDEA
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So Sad
sidekicknick437 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers

Honestly, I would love to talk to the person who saw this coming. Kutner killing himself? Kutner, man, we barely knew ye'. I always had a feeling that they would eventually kill off a character, but I would have expected it to be Wilson or Chase. Kutner? I would never have seen it coming. I really like this character, especially in the episode "Here Kitty". His superstitious ways made my lungs hurt from laughter. Same goes for his persistent ways, best shown when he turned his #6 upside down. The last piece of the puzzle to make this a complete and heartfelt episode was Taub's reaction at the end to his friend's death after holding it in.

Kutner, may you rest in peace
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Probably the best episode ever!
vezzo537 April 2009
This was one of, if not THE, best episode of House I have ever seen! The actors showed so much emotion and were so great in their roles. They finally show House showing true sympathy, grief, and remorse which is rarely ever seen, but of course he has to have his usual insult rant at some point during the episode. Omar Epps (Foreman), Peter Jacobson (Taub), and Olivia Wilde (13) were extremely good at showing the power the situation had and the toll it took on each one of them and their acting was incredible. Even Jesse Spencer (Chase) and Jennifer Morrison (Cameron) were brought into the episode showing true emotion and remorse. The most surprising character in my mind was Wilson because he was effected greatly by the tragedy and gets so emotional and you see a side of him you don't normally see.

Overall, a fantastic episode. The emotion was great behind the tragedy, and the emotion behind the patients ran just as high; and even through the events, the patients still remained a relevant part of the story and really brought out the true emotions of Taub.

The writers got it right with this episode, and the actors portrayed it so well. An intense episode that I would like to see more of, that emotion that was shown made this episode great!
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Very Well Written Subliminal Script.
odysseus-8615 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderful message for those who wants to commit suicide.

Tell something, "Your friends and Boss cannot determine if you're depressed, neither Doctors" We will miss Kumar in House MD.

This episode I will agree with one user post it as "THE BEST".

First, the episode started with colorful and hopeful, then about fifteen minutes later the background starts to feel like depressed, color are more like "without a sunlight".

Second, I would say is a beautiful script whoever wrote the episode and whoever created this series. Really engaging, talks about the real life, but this episode, I felt the emotion, the nostalgia is like I have lost my friend and couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening(God Forbids).

Beautiful, nostalgic, and as always House the smartas*.
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Not Everything Is Black and White
bryanjustinxvii4 March 2024
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I think this was a good episode. Do I think it was the best episode I've seen thus far? No. I read many people's reviews and one person's review stuck out to me.

Mental health isn't black or white. There isn't a "how to" guide or a checklist on what you should do if you decide you want to commit suicide. There are so many reasons people commit suicide. I had someone I loved dearly commit suicide and he seemed happy and showed zero signs that he was unhappy or any possibility he was thinking about suicide. Actually went on a vacation right before it happened. There was no note left behind. Was there a reason or reasons why he did it? I'm sure there were reasons. We will never know.

We as humans are complex beings. Not everyone wears their emotions on their sleeves and some prefer to keep their own issues private. Some of us know the actor left to work at the White House under Obama and others don't. So many are angry and saying that the writers suck and they could have chosen a different way to write him off than suicide as it didn't "fit" his character. That's the thing. With mental health, not everything "fits" the norm. They could have chosen 100 ways to write him off, but they chose this. Accept it and move on. Maybe once you lose someone to suicide in the real world you will realize that what happened in this episode actually does happen fairly often.
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Could have been a ten
fayterpou29 October 2020
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If only they prepared kutners suicide better... it came out of nowhere
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Still the worst episode for me
athirn27 April 2021
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I hate the end the screwwriters made for Kutner. They could send him somewhere, make House fire him or anything else. But killing himself after he told he was not a suicidal person is nonsence. I like Kutner, one of the most admirable characters. They could make a much better end of his story, not so absurd and tragic.
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Lazy writing again...
tert725 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I still give it a 10 because of meatloaf and his wife.... The suicide though? Shoe horned in. Not realistic at all. Their portrayal was anyone can commit suicide.... Just not how it works. 13 tried to say 25 percent of suicides don't show signs.... They do, just no one picked up on it... Would have been better if there ass a prelude to his suicide, like 2 parents brought in and died and that triggered something in kutner to make him kill himself. As house said, you worked with him 80 hours a week and didn't notice anything? Well yes because there was nothing to notice, cause the writers shoe horned the suicide in. Very lazy, easy to write. As one comment said, he could have died doing something heroic and selfless..... Would have been much better, but more complicated to write. Plus he left the show for politics... A guy who is most known for his adventure to white castle........
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davidghancock7 April 2009
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I thought it was an amazing episode until I found out why they killed him off. He is going to work as a liaison for Obama. WTH! I guess they need to build a White Castle near 1600 Penn. Ave. This will not sway me from watching it of course but I have a hard time taking Kumar seriously as a politician type. Well good luck to him. Maybe he will be a bright star in that troubled administration. I guess now I am curious to see who they bring in next. They never seem to kill off any of the characters that have run their course on the show. If they did this now just imagine what they pull out for sweeps week. They have had a bus accident, drug overdose, car accident, shooting, virus outbreak, ex wife stick around, and even his parents. What's next?
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Meat Loaf as Eddie hahaha
Carol_in_Chicago24 January 2024
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Am I the only one who noticed that the character of the dying man is named Eddie? I recognized Meat Loaf in the introduction scene so I looked it up to confirm and saw the character name and laughed my ass off.

Now I will finish the episode and resume the review.

This is my second time watching this series. The first time I was all choked up over Kutner. Now that I know Kal Penn left to join Obama's staff I just kept smiling through it.

The sick couple's story kinda bored me, it was so predictable. Girl marries boy, boy ignores girl, girl goes to Rio, boy is dying, girl feels guilty, boy gets better, girl dies.

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Horrible, unrealistic portrayel of suicide
justchillz26 February 2016
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Worst writing I have ever seen. The episode was utterly boring. I fell asleep twice. I have watched every episode of House. The pointless deaths of characters we don't care about and guns. It's been overdone and is just BORING and annoying to watch. They should have gotten new writers bc clearly these ones couldn't think of anything better than a pointless suicide plot. The writers failed. The show needed more knowledgeable writers, more skilled.

Lawrence would never kill himself. If you know anything about suicidal people, Lawrence would not commit suicide. Someone doesn't just wake up one day and decide to off themselves. If you fall for that bs script, you have never encountered a suicidal person in your life. This is the perfect plot for a naive folk. It takes a lot of pain to finally decide you are better off dead. One week the idiot writers have a gun man in the hospital, the following week, a character offs themselves with a gun. Also, he would be too traumatised to use a gun, he would relive what happened to his parents. Not to mention, he was superstitious. A superstitious person would not kill themselves, especially not a somewhat religious person. He was brought up with values. His parents died protecting him. An act like that would have them turning over in their graves. It would be considered selfish bc they died so he could live. He doesn't fit any of the characteristics of someone with a borderline personality disorder. This episode was written by someone who knows nothing about suicide. I'd sooner believe the idiot Chris Taub would shoot himself because he lost all his money and annoys everybody he meets, and isolates himself. He wants no friends, while Lawrence wanted to be friends with everyone. He even wanted to convince Taub that he saw him as a friend. Taub has the psychology of a failure, not Lawrence. It's like Cameron offing herself.
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House should have noticed
gautamaisking2 October 2020
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Kutner ended it after house gave him props and made him feel like an equal. This presumably led to the thought, "I'm a great doctor. I save people when nobody else can. But I couldn't save my parents." House should've recognized that thought as he's constantly and painfully reminded at all times that he was a great doctor, but he couldn't save his leg.
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Suicide in the bakseat?
royaumeuni3 August 2022
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How come that so many finds this character's interesting, when you only see them at the surface. To use a suicide as a sidestory make me feel sad. To show the blood spot was even more sad. The discussion at his parents was weird and there was at all no real feelings nowhere until Taub cried.

The character House is mostly a very annoying individual. No specific intelligens and at all more flat than deep. His co-workers are more puzzled but still as flat as he is. They are more co-dependency than co-workers and it's riddle wrapped in an enigma how they can solve something at all.
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Taking out Kutner?
jessmarie129536 April 2009
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OK, I have loved this show ever since by brother first let me borrow his copies of season 1,2 on DVD. I fell in love with this show...well mostly house and his sexy eyes and other feature and well i won't go into detail cause we all know why we love him;) I watched when the old cast quit,got fired and a whole new one was introduced and i was angry, but for house i still watched, cause in my dreams were involved and he keeps me motivated to go to film school cause than were in the same zip code..zing:) Anyways, I watched them kill amber, which was a great character cause she was a manipulative b***h, i watched thirteen in some lesbian sex scene, just to wait for house's comment, but...and this is a big but(about as big as jenny Lopez's) why kill Kutner? I'm not going to sound like some whining fan whose like OMG i'm so not gonna watch and than go cut my wrists or something i freaking love house...well the doctor anyways...you gotta face it the show is going downhill ever since they replaced the team...yeah change is good sometimes like electing Obama...but replacing television characters and changing your last hope at cable TV, just downright depresses me. I loved Kutner, he was funny...thirteen is even interesting,foreman is a boring a-hole but he's funny sometimes...Taub is a jerk..they should have let him shoot himself..i don't think fans would care as much...hes boring and he cheats...Wilson does too but hes at least hilarious and levels out house SO yeah they need better ideas....whatever you do don't kill house, this show won how many awards for best drama? If you cancel this FOX probably won't survive(hopefully wont)...so do every doctor,female who adores Hugh Laurie's character and bored housewives a break and stop making stupid changes to the show...heres an idea get house involved in a one nighters and than do a whole pregnancy scare..hes older but I'm sure they're still swimming..can you see house with a baby? Give more of a back story on 13 and bring Cameron back to the team, and give Cuddy a real baby..by house or just put them in a relationship cause that would be freaking awkward and hilarious:) so many ideas to come up with and yet shows still kill characters...usually cause the actor is bored and cant deal with the show anymore(which wasn't the case I'm hoping) ask Shannen Doherty about leaving shows cause she is a whine ass..she's great at it...as for house i love him and i will watch no matter what..even if its 40 minutes of him just talking i don't care...just keep it on:)
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