"Family Guy" Brian & Stewie (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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As funny as always. As touching as it's never been before.
GiraffeDoor26 November 2019
As a big fan of the show, this is one of my very favourite episodes.

The throw a complete curve ball and give us an episode full of substance and still not without the same anarchic comedy we'd grown to love them for.

It starts off almost like a regular episode. The bickering, the off beat gags and then things get repugnant. They don't milk it though. They're actually quite classy with their "tasteful" depiction of reluctant copraphagia. It's an important plot point, it has a great meaning within the context of the story.

People hate that Stewie went from supervillian to metrosexual and these same people tend to hate how Brian went from everyman to "liberal douchebag" but I think we see here one of the best examples of how a show can begin with off the cuff character types and develop them over time, not only into two three dimensional characters, but characters with a nuanced, funny and poignant relationship in the masculine style: marked by both antagonism and great tenderness.

Maybe the people who actually watch plays will tell me that this is cliche and deriviative. But for me its a chance to feel closer to two of my favourite characters and testimony that FG is a show where you really never know what to expect.

It's a dark narrative has us asking ourselves difficult questions.
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Unexpected Greatness That Some People Just Don't Understand.
FatAssGoku10 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There are some people who have watched this episode and say "It wasn't funny." Well, that doesn't mean it's bad. This episode shows that even a cartoon sitcom can be serious. People are acting like it was supposed to be funny, like "I only laughed twice". The suicide talk wasn't a joke, if that was what you were thinking. No duh it wasn't funny. But this episode showed the seriousness of Brian's depression; people can relate to that. And it doesn't sugarcoat it like many other times. There is plenty of clever writing in this, and just casual conversation, like how most people would talk. Kind of reminded me of Pulp Fiction in that aspect. That's how people talk. They weren't trying to make you laugh, they were just talking like any other 2 people would. It was deep. I'm glad that Seth had the balls to make this episode. It was great. It's just mostly the people who don't ever think deeply and don't understand how sometimes people really are that cut this episode down. They just expect jokes and randomness probably because that's all they want, or they can't comprehend how realistic this episode was and just don't get that life isn't always fun and games.
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I am befuddled by the logic of the negative reviews
mcleburn453 June 2011
This is the first time I have ever reviewed anything on any site. I know it's random, but I have to say something about not only the episode but the bizarre response from some people. Then I will get off my soapbox.

Not liking the episode is one thing. Dismissing it entirely because it goes against the wave of the very controversial and often criticized style of a typical "Family Guy" episode makes no sense to me. Nearly every negative review says the same things. "Where's the cutaway gags?" "It didn't make me laugh once!" Answers: "They aren't there" and "It wasn't trying to." Okay, so maybe the momentary way over-the-top gross-out humor and drunk Stewie gags were meant to elicit laughs, and I'll admit that on the former it failed to do so. But I can forgive it. I loved this episode. It is the first time "Family Guy" has really challenged viewers intellectually and spiritually. It is by far the darkest and most existential of any episode. It is the first time that you could actually close-read an episode of it (Brian reading David Copperfield to Stewie as a bedtime story is completely loaded with meaning, FWIW.) So yeah, feel free to expect one thing from "Family Guy" and be disappointed if you are not satisfied with the radical shift in tone. But it's perplexing to see someone say "It didn't make me laugh!" or "There were no non-sequiturs!" Those points are not inherent demerits. For one episode, just one, they were kind of the point.
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Not for the typical brain dead morons
jphengsavathdy26 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of horrible reviews for this episode and it's all coming from people who thought it lacked comedy. What makes this episode so special is that it shows the depths at which this show can explore. It doesn't always have to be about humor. This episode shows a really powerful message about how two people react when they are forced into a bad situation and are stuck together for a few days and on the brink of losing their minds. The relationship between Brian and Stewie is my favorite of any characters on the show and this episode was the best of them together and the worst of them all in one. Everyone who hated on this episode must not be mature enough to understand the concept. It was brilliant and well thought of, one of my favorite episodes by far
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Family Guy can be dramatic? Hel yeah it can!
dylan_geurts7 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Briand and Stewie, my favorite Family Guy characters are the star in the series 150th episode of course entitled: Brian and Stewie.

This was not you're typical Family Guy episode, no cutaways, drama and no characters beside of Briand and Stewie make this a very special episode. For me everything worked, yes the long poop eating joke will disgust some, or A lot, but i digged it.

There where plenty of hilarious moments, like Stewie's background on his mobile phone, but the real star of this episode was the drama and when i realized that the poop joke was not just there to be 'funny' but to be important to the story i knew it: this episode rules. I never cared so much for the characters as in this episode, some of the stuff they talk about is goes deep and its not something you'd expect from Family Guy.

This episode was fantastic, if you can get past the poopy jokes you will find an unique episode that will be hated by most, but loved by some
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Unexpected and terrific,
xodanielcasterox28 March 2015
I don't care what anybody says, I love this episode so much; it's one of my personal favorites of all time. I know people complain that it wasn't that funny or it was boring or whatever. Think what you want. It won't stop me from adoring it. 'Brian & Stewie' was a bit out of character of what 'Family Guy' normally does and that may cause some backlash but for me, it was a bold move Seth McFarland did. I love Peter Griffin but the whole 'animated idiot fat drunken father' seems very indistinguishable compared to Homer Simpson. Brian and Stewie stole the show; these guys are the most interesting characters and the most likable. Why? Both a baby and a dog can talk, and act like full grown people. They go on strange quests together, sing together, dance together, fight together--well you get the point. I just love how dark this episode was and not in the crude-humor dark way; dark as in serious. I love when some comedies or satires take a break from the gags and try to illustrate a point from a dramatic standpoint. Brian and Stewie are locked in a bank's vault by accident and have to wait until it opens. And that's all I'll say but I will say that the ending is unexpected and actually tragic, even by 'Family Guy' standards. And I know people say it's so stupid, that it sucked because this is something 'Family Guy' would never do, but that's not the only thing that makes it so good, it's the depth of our characters. And we learn something new about Brian that really makes my day. Don't get too upset with the fact that it's not as funny as you'd expect, look at it from another standpoint and you might enjoy it as much as I did.
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I'm going to have to go against the critics, and say this might be one of my favorite episodes!
TOMNEL4 May 2010
Family Guy in the last two years has really been hit or miss. This year, there seems to be even more misses than hits, but one thing stands through all of it, and that is that Family Guy is nothing but a goofy gag show. From the beginning Family Guy was this way, though during the first few seasons it would occasionally show a little bit of heart, which seemed to be completely missing in recent episodes. This episode completely goes against the normal Family Guy format, and also shows some emotional depth. It's so different than every other episode, and though not the funniest, still managed to be a real classic.

Brian and Stewie are locked in a bank vault overnight and have to put up with each other for this time. During the duration of the night, Brian does a disgusting deed for Stewie, pierces his ear, they both get drunk and they learn a lot about each other. No cutaways at all this episode, and only two characters, in one setting, giving us a more intimate setting, and more depth to the characters.

It was nice to stop on a couple characters and just linger on them. This show so rarely does that. It's normally one joke after another, with fart jokes, cutaways and Meg hate jokes peppered throughout each episode. Lingering on these two characters gave us an interesting character study, and despite that very little happened, we got to learn a lot more about two of Family Guy's most popular characters. And it's not like the episode isn't funny. It's funny, it just doesn't rely on the usual celebrity cut away references, so it isn't quite as random. It's a more focused episode on the relationship between these two characters. And actually, the end of the episode was really sweet and nice, and was probably the last episode of Family Guy to actually show genuine emotion since season 3's "Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows".

Overall, this is one of the deepest episodes of Family Guy, and despite that it had to get rid of it's usual zaniness to achieve it, this was still a triumph and one of Family Guy's best episodes.

My rating: **** out of ****. 35 mins.
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The only episode of Family Guy that I truly love
ryantaylorellis28 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Family Guy is a TV series that I have a lot of problems with.

For the most part, I do not find the show's humor funny. The majority of jokes in Family Guy rely on either lazy pop culture references and mean spirited jokes that don't work. This episode (for the most part) is unlike any other episode of Family Guy.

For starters, this episode contains no cutaway gags (which I am THRILLED about). One of the main things I hate about Family Guy is the terrible cutaway gags which drive away from the main plot. I know that Family Guy relies a lot more on jokes than storytelling and character development (which is mainly why I don't like the show very much), but this episode does exactly that, storytelling and character development.

There's only two characters in Family Guy that I like (for the most part), Stewie and Brian Griffin. Stewie and Brian are the only Family Guy characters that I ever found enjoyable. Stewie is easily the funniest character in the show, and I feel that Stewie's character got better as the show went on (and all the other characters got worse as the show continued). Brian is the only other Family Guy character I like (Pre Season 12). He's the voice of reason for the show and is basically a metaphor of people who want to do better but aren't very good at trying to be better (I personally believe BoJack Horseman pulls that off a lot better).

This episode of Family Guy is the only episode of the show I truly love for 2 reasons:

1. The only 2 characters from Family Guy that I like are the only characters in this episode 2. This episode is very different from the rest of the series

I'll say this first, I have mixed feelings about the first act of the episode. I loved seeing Brian and Stewie interacting with each other and even having a dramatic moment when Brian smacks Stewie (even though Stewie deserves the smack), and I liked how it showed Brian's better half when he agrees to do the thing for Stewie after he smacked him and Stewie was being unreasonable.

Now, about the thing...

The first act of this episode has a scene when Brian eats Stewie's poop from his diaper, licks his ass, and then eats up Stewie's vomit afterwards. Thankfully, this is the only bad part of the episode, the rest of the episode is much better after that scene.

The second act of this episode is when the story starts to get REALLY good. After Brian and Stewie realise that they'll be stuck in the vault for a whole weekend, they decide to get drunk. After at first being silly, they soon start to get serious. Stewie becomes harsh to Brian, which then leads to Brian becoming harsh to Stewie and eventually pulling out a gun to him. Even though Brian shouldn't have pulled out a gun at his BEST FRIEND, it is important to remember that they're both drunk in this scene. They then argue a bit longer and Stewie accidentally shoots the gun and they hide under the table and hug each other (which was a sweet moment, but also a blink and you miss moment).

The third and final act of this episode is one of the few moments in TV/Film that made me cry.

The final act of the episode shows Stewie and Brian having a serious and dramatic discussion about life, death, and purpose. Even though the scene is very serious, it does throw in humour every now and again, but the humour is realistic and sounds like witty remarks that someone would spout out in a serious discussion, so it works. At the end of the episode, Stewie tells Brian how much he means to them, they snuggle up together (which was adorable), and Brian reads David Copperfield to Stewie.

The final scene of the episode shows the vault door opening as Brian wakes up. He carries Stewie and walks out of the bank vault, after experiencing a weekend that they would never forget.

This episode is absolutely amazing, and it blew me away. I understand why some people dislike this episode, due to the disgusting moments in the first act, and the fact that a show which doesn't care about its characters suddenly wants us to care about them. I do get the negative criticism this episode receives.

I believe this episode could only be done with Brian and Stewie, and no other Family Guy characters. I personally treat this episode more like a short film than an episode of a show that I don't like very much.

I highly recommend giving this episode a watch (but only if you can handle gross out jokes and mature themes).

I give this episode a 10/10. It may have its bad moments in the first act, but the good moments of the episode more than make up for the very few bad moments.
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Gross Out Warning! Otherwise, it's a kind of good episode
celiawatsonanime18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What Brian had to eat, was so disgusting and described to be so horrible I started getting disgusted and nauseous too.

It caught me off guard because, I don't expect that kind of thing from Family Guy.

I really liked and, hated the gross out at the same time.

Other than that, it was nice seeing them get drunk, act really silly , have fun until the bank opened up in the morning while they were trapped in the vault.

It was fun watching them bond and get closer together.

This should have been 22 minutes I didn't like the filler too much after they got out of the bank vault.
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Brilliant Episode
sebastian67363 December 2012
If you're expecting a typical Family Guy episode you will be disappointed. You won't get much of the humour that the show has gotten us used to. However, if you have no expectations and watch this episode open-mindedly, you will be surprised.

It's one of my favourite Family Guy episodes ever, because of the different ranges of depth it indulges in. We get to know both characters in a very deep and intimate way, as if they were absolutely real people with real-life troubles and concerns. The humour is still there, and it's funny as always, but the episode is not meant to be your typical FG episode; it goes beyond that and shows us what these two characters (and people in general) are really made of.
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The Episode
tarynituphxc10 May 2010
After watching this episode for the first time I was a bit shocked. I have watched Family Guy since it's very first season and I have to say this episode is my all time favorite. When I saw that most of the reviews the episode had were unfavorable, I knew people who watched it didn't seem to understand the seriousness of this episode. The episode wasn't created for the comedic entertainment of the dedicated Family Guy fans. It was a way to show the underlying issues of hints in the smaller jokes in older episodes. Seth MacFarlane wrote an episode to show how manipulative Stewie Griffin really is, and it also shows that Brain's depression is something more real than any of the viewers had expected, with previous episodes even cracking jokes about the issues Brian has with his life. The seriousness of this episode gives it a new feel, and it's much more real then the corny jokes and small puns in any other episode. People just weren't ready for it.
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Worthless Episode
bacardi_superior_84 May 2010
WOW! I have been a fan since the beginning and was completely let down by this episode. There was maybe one or two times out of the entire hour episode that I laughed a little, nothing compared to other episodes. It's like they weren't even trying to be funny. The worst part is this was the 150th episode. Shouldn't it have been the funniest????? Don't waste your time on this one. This is the first time that I have ever rated a Family Guy episode at a 1. Hopefully next week will be back to normal.

Come on Seth...The Cleveland Show was actually funnier than this episode...and The Cleveland Show is HORRIBLE!
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The negative reviews are why this episode needed to happen.
tpseiple16 December 2020
This episode came out 10 years ago and the world has only gotten more small-minded.

"The 150th episode should be the funniest!"

You've put Family Guy in a shallow box, and Seth did exactly what he should've: shattered your expectations. For the rest of us with an expanded view of genres and their place in the world, this was a great episode.
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amazing and deserves more credit.
C4lvin18 May 2020
Most people have already explained why this episode is already great, but the bond between brian and stewie and the seriousness of this episode, shows that behind all the jokes and laughs theres something more. this episode has my respect and the subject of depression. (10/10)
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"Brian and Stewie"....Easily the greatest family guy episode to this day.
treeradish28 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After 149 episodes of (mostly) mindless toilet humor, this episode was easily the greatest family guy episode. It deals with issues like suicide very seriously, has no cutaways, no music, just a casual but still very serious and dramatic tone throughout the entire episode. And it's done very well. There are people who hate this episode. Those people prefer the toilet humor, the retard jokes, the cutaways, and I can respect that. When they saw this episode they were probably disappointed with that lack of humor. But hear me out. When it is revealed that Brian wanted to commit suicide I just sat there, shocked. I couldn't believe it, and Stewie reacted perfectly. In my opinion if family guy ever has a movie they need to do something like this again. Not for the whole time, maybe just the last 1/4 of the end. And also, when the credits came up with no music I *nearly* shed a man tear. 10/10
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Surprisingly good
MarcusJ1318 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have been very sceptical at Family Guy in recent times where you don't need me to tell you the humour has perhaps lost some of its edge but in this episode a daring move was made. Just two characters, one setting and no cutaways. Intriguing. Most episodes I'd say over the past three seasons I think I could rate no more than a seven but this episode was a real revelation. In the episode Brian and Stewie are locked in a bank vault overnight and begin to talk, insult each other and get drunk. Even though more happens in this episode besides what I'm saying here, the episode is essentially divided into two major parts. Number one Stewie needs changing and with no more diapers to speak of in the vault he needs Brian to eat the excrement and rid the diaper of the feces. Now I am not going to lie this part was a little unpleasant but it wasn't just mindless toilet humour I think when you look at the episode as a whole. This displayed Stewie's tendency to be generally devious and its one of those times where he has shown an element of evil that we haven't seen outside of the usual comedic evil that is offered by the character. After they get drunk, they talk about the gun found by Stewie in Brian's safety deposit box and the fact that its purpose is to be there in case Brian wants to kill himself. Now this is the first time where Brian's underlying depression has been exposed. We've seen before in the typical Family Guy style of the put downs he has been on the receiving end of and the trouble he has had with his relationships but that now that sadness is there for all who watch to see. In this we see just what Brian and Stewie mean to each other and the fact that Stewie has a great respect for Brian in a way that no other characters on the show have and vice versa. That is as far as going to go as seeing the conclusion if you have any prior conceptions about Family Guy's recent quality before it may give you a surprise, it certainly gave me one. It was an episode that showed the fact that Family Guy still had some emotional abilities in it and even though it was always going to be an episode outside of the norm and that normal service would be resumed soon enough it was still a welcome episode and one I am so glad they made.
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A safe, quiet bubble to go to whenever I'm feeling down.
adampkalb7 July 2018
The rest of the family (except Chris) only appears in the other musical numbers at the end of the episode. Sometimes we have horrible Family Guy episodes we want to forget about like 420 and Seahorse Seashell Party, or mediocre episodes with moments we would like to forget, like April in Quahog or It's Me Peter. This may not be a great episode, but it's a good thing to watch if you need to turn off your brain and de-stress if you're having a dull or bad day.

It inspired me with so many ideas for other kinds of shows that could have bottle episodes like this where Brian and Stewie do random things in 1 room for 28 minutes. It's like that movie Saw where Adam and Lawrence did random things in 1 room for 100 minutes, but much less violent. Although Brian and Stewie itself doesn't shy away from disgusting or violent moments, it's a lot more downplayed than Fresh Heir and Herpe the Love Sore.

For all its disgusting moments, it's a surprisingly sweet story at its core, and the episode excels at telling a 28-minute story with no music or cutaways the would detract from the experience. They argue, they do dangerous fun things together, and they confess their feelings for each other. That's the least I can say without spoiling any details. It's still less impressive than Road to Rhode Island or Crimes and Meg's Demeanor, but another episode I can leave feeling happy at the end even when the plot is minimal, kind of like Frink Gets Testy.

By the way, this isn't the 150th Family Guy episode. It's only the 146th.
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The best episode!
georgipugyov30 April 2021
"Chapter 1". I'm born.

The best episode of Family guy.
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Family Guy tried to be serious....and failed
snowboarder27133 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is not the typical family guy episode. There are no cutaways, and there's actually a coherent storyline (very rare with the recent episodes they have been putting out). Plus, it was the 150th episode, so I was optimistic.

However, instead of going back to the Family Guy roots, this episode tried to be serious. There's some toilet humor in here, but the main point of this episode is to be serious. I really think that the creators tried to make Family Guy more like South Park, which can be funny and moral. However, this episode was just an uncomfortable story about depression and suicide with all the jokes coming at the beginning. And frankly for a cartoon, it was way too serious without any humor to lighten the mood.

It's an utter shame that with such a landmark episode, the creators would take the show in a completely new direction. The main storyline, which is good, deserves to be in a play where adults can balance the moral undertones. This storyline does not belong on a network cartoon show where people want to entertained without having to think about the deep moral undertones of society.
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oscars is jealous of family guy
abhi-672871 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why i wrote that because of the truth hidden in many jokes by the characters is so true that u just laugh at it and that is what the real world is doing well that was my opinion. Peace.
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Best episode
kieranwestmoreland1 September 2021
After watching the show generally for years and now going through the entire show in order I can without doubt say this is my favourite episode due to the insight to brians life and stewies heartfelt response. I think everyone enjoys the brian and stewie episodes the most but this is a standout. The closest thing is the multiverse episode.
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How could someone give this episode less than 7 stars?
crzy_boy_etn20 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this episode which is a surprise since it might be the most quiet and dramatic episode. It showed that the family guy writers truly have a different side to them than the regular toilet humor (excusing the diaper part). It created real character and unveiled feelings between Brian and Stewie that every family guy fan knew existed, but was never made clearer until this episode. Brian admitting he made a means to kill himself by leaving a gun in his vault truly touched me, especially when Stewie said he was the only person he really liked..

Well written and well played Family Guy. I will never forget this episode or the humanity it brought with it.
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khht19 June 2019
I am sort of at a nonplus from both the negative reviews, and the actual talent the writers of this show displayed with this episode. It's rare to see a drama this good in modern times, especially in a show like Family Guy.
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I love it
antonymichealbevan23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is lovely. This is the first time i ever write a review for anything in my Life. I saw a short clip on reels and suddenly felt the urge watch the whole episode. So I searched and watched it. It didn't disappoint me at all. A perfect blend of comedy and sadness, not too much and not too less. The emotional connectivity the writers tries to showcase just work perfectly. Anyone can go through anything in life. It doesn't mean people are fine if they don't express it just like us. It teaches us to be there for people we love,people we truly care about. They might not ask for it but they deserve it.
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They tried something and it worked
bensee-5080024 February 2022
I've been watching Family Guy for a long time now, and I've always told myself and others if you don't take it seriously it's really good. This was an episode to take seriously, an episode where Seth Macfarlane and the writers tried something different for there 150th.

Brian and Stewie consists of one setting and two characters basically just sitting talking and waiting.

The episode explores the complex unique relationship of Brian and Stewie eventually getting deep with Brian confessing about how he really thinks about himself as well as Stewie opening up about his friendship and feelings for Brian.

While Family Guy has never been a show that has had any reason to get as deep as this, Family Guy does it well remarkably well in a 30 minute story about two unique characters talking about love, redemption, purpose and friendship.
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