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Unorthodox horror flick with a fresh story ◆≈≈6.0/10≈≈◆
Thrill_KillZ10 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
At first glance, after reading the plot outline of "Jug Face", a myriad of other film's popped up in my mind. All of the usual clichés and expectations of a horror film involving a remote backwoods community were buzzing around in my head. It didn't take long to see that first time writer/director Chad Crawford Kinkle had successfully managed to add, not only something fresh, but a considerably engrossing spin to that age old horror theme. He did an exceptional job in writing something original and vividly bringing it to life. The film had taken some of the most engaging ideas of M.N.S's "The Village" and added actual terror, although here, the thing we do not speak of is very much alive with an insatiable appetite for townsfolk.

The story revolves around a young girl Ada(Lauren Ashley Carter) she's been chosen to be "joined" with a young man Bodey(Mathieu Whitman). The thing is, she's not a virgin anymore(oddly enough in this town the woman is examined for purity). Not only is she not a virgin, she is pregnant by her brother Jessaby(Daniel Manche), something that is extremely frowned upon even in this backwater community. Ada soon learns that her current problems are nothing when compared to what may be in store for her. As you likely already know, this town has a secret, they worship an unseen being that resides in a blood filled pit located at the edge of town. A man named Dawai(Sean Bridgers)who is the local pot maker receives visions where he falls into a trance like state, blindly making a jug bearing the face of the next person the pit desires as a sacrifice. One night Ada stumbles upon the next jug face discovering that it's her face on the jug. This sets forth a chain of events & deaths as Ada searches for a resolution.

Despite this being Kinkles first feature film, a low budget indie, he took an idea that sounds a bit ridiculous and for ninety minutes made me believe in it. None of which would have been possible without the top notch acting all around, especially by Sean Bridgers, Lauren Ashley Carter, Larry Fessenden and Sean Young. Besides having an odd title, although a very fitting one in retrospect, no inadequacies come to mind in terms of production value or score. The effects were minimal, but compelling. They chose to use their minimal budget wisely and in doing so they did a sufficient job inferring the violence, showing mainly the aftermath which was fine and the scenes that did happen to include gore were chosen wisely. In the end "Jug Face" is a recommendable offbeat horror flick for those fans sick of the same old slasher/inbred killer/pointless torture films that the horror genre is over saturated with.
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Originality returns!
themissingpatient24 July 2013
Ada is a sexually active girl in a religious community that lives in the forest making human sacrifice to their god, The Pit. The Pit possesses a chosen member of the community, making a jug with a face molded into it. The person who's face is on the jug is the person they must sacrifice. The Pit wants what it wants. When Ada finds her face on the new jug, she hides it as she suspects she may be pregnant.

This is a great, original new dramatic horror story with some excellent performances. Lauren Ashley Carter gives us reason to like a girl, who if given a different perspective of, most of us would judge harshly and look down upon as she's pregnant with her brother's child. Both her father and mother, played by Larry Fessenden and Sean Young, are played perfectly. However it's Sean Bridgers as Dawai, the jug-maker, who steals the show with his character.

Jug Face is written and directed by Chad Crawford Kinkle. As good of a writer he may show promise to be, what holds Jug Face back from being a great film is that it is poorly paced. Enough time isn't spent on building suspense, adding tension, exploring the horror of all that is going on. We wish the film was longer so we could have spent more time getting to know the characters so that we care whether or not they are going to die. Whether this is a lack of talent or experience as a director is uncertain, what is certain is that the performances and the story make up for this. It's through Sean Bridgers and Lauren Ashley Carter that we come to care for their characters. Sean Young plays one of the most frightening mothers put to screen since Carrie and is more dreadful than The Pit.

Overall, Jug Face will be a twisted, original treat for fans of indie horror.
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Mistakes a bad story for being deep.
Foxbarking26 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One thing that annoys me more than anything in movies is that a movie with very little depth to the plot is hailed as being mysterious. From reading most the the reviews on "Jug Face," the consensus seems to be that not only is it a good movie, but that there are a lot of secrets hidden in the movie.

This movie is pretty idiotic actually and those who claim it has re-watch value must have a completely different standard for movies than I do. The tale is completely nonsensical. Yes there are plenty of questions left unanswered, but this is not because the movie is deep and hard to understand. Questions are left unanswered because there are no answers to them. This movie paints a picture that is more like a child's finger painting than a Van Gogh.

What you get is a story about a small community who worships a hole in the ground and routinely sacrifices one of its members to the pit. When you watch the first scene that shows this, you will likely believe that it is a ripoff of Shirley Jackson's legendary story "The Lottery." The townspeople gather around a pit and a potter brings a jug that was molded to match the face of one of the community members. That person immediately has his throat slit and the blood pours into the pit.

The main character discovers that she is the next one to be sacrificed and goes long ways to prevent this. Because of this, more people are killed. You get to see a spirit from the pit show up and see Ada having all these idiotic hallucinations. The best part, however, is the wonderful townsfolk who know the sick stuff this community does and not only do they keep silent about it, they immediately turn Ada back over to them despite her informing them that her community was going to hurt her.

This ending of this film will irritate than make them happy. Ada goes ahead and accepts her fate and dies. Rather than some wonderful moment occurring, she apologizes to a community about to murder her because other people were killed instead of her. She apologized to a bunch of dumb hillbillies who should have left the area where the pit is and refused to participate in the idiotic ritual.

The lesson in this movie is do not protect yourself from being killed because if you do, the people that are trying to kill you will die. A truly worthless and stupid message from an equally worthless and stupid movie.
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Thin air
chaos-rampant15 May 2014
A weird thing here. At first dark, textured about hillbilly life, promising some novelty. The handpainted credits bespeak of more personal work, that this comes to us from people who wanted to be creative and not some Hollywood office.

A girl in a repressive backwoods village becomes pregnant just as her parents have arranged marriage and then a mysterious force in the woods (centered in a pit that the people venerate) that seemingly can divine these things, demands blood sacrifice in return for healing and grants visions.

All the tension and strangeness in us being called to parse these wrathful metaphysics through the eyes of people that genuinely believe in them and allow them to dictate life while independent of them having to juggle the possibility that it's all a backwards hallucination, possibly invented: that the imbecile potter merely sculpts faces from a stupor or thin air but does that make the hold of evil less real?

It's clear that they only had a small sketch of the idea as they set to work, interesting at first but goes nowhere, never deeper than something in the earth has to be appeased and the madness of being unable to fathom order; it's still more textured than all the Texas Chainsaw clones, more unusual, but it just smears around with the mythology it creates. A complete loss by the end. Sad.
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andy_ryan841 June 2016
A lot of people are calling this an "indie gem" a "low budget masterpiece" etc. It really isn't. It has no suspense, no great shocks, no character development and seems to meander along to a complete dead end. IMDb ratings are so awash with crew members and their relatives input that it can be classed as nothing but fraudulent behaviour on their part. After reading great reviews to this film, I went against my better judgement and decided to give it a whirl. There's 81 mins of my life completely wasted. It is true that mainstream horror movies are saturated with generic plot lines and are predominantly aimed at the easily entertained, and on paper at least, the premise of this story may well seem unique and intriguing in comparison, but the director or the cast never lived up to it. Half way through I actually wish I had put an aforementioned Hollywood trash movie on. Yep I said it. If you want to watch it, go right ahead. But please, don't let half of the liars on these exemplary reviews sway your opinion. If you do decide to watch it, stream it online for free, I'd be seriously p****d off if I'd spent a penny watching this drivel.
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Supernatural bizarre yet intriguing
Floated224 December 2022
Described as a horror film, Jug Face isn't the traditional horror film but more so the kind with creepy and disturbing scenes spread out, with a supernatural theme, and several spiritual ghost like flashbacks and spooks.

This is an independent film which may be a little slower paced and slightly confusing for the casual audience. At times it was difficult in understanding the characters due to their accents and slurred speech. The dialogue is very important here and if you aren't fully hearing what they are saying, you miss a lot.

It is most definitely a bizarre film, though in a way somewhat original. Reminded somewhat of the Witch (2015)- slower paced supernatural horror/thriller.

Most definitely a film which requires close paying attention because there are slight details which may be confusing if you are half paying attention. Not everything is spoon fed.

The entire "jug face" and "sacrifice into the pit" was something did not fully understand at first, yet after rewatching parts of the beginning, it was made more clear.

The performance by lead actress is definitely the highlight (baring a resemblance to Maisie Williams and in some scenes at times Kristen Stewart). The sculpture "jug face" maker Dawai who comes along greatly steals his scenes in the second half was another highlight. As well as Sean Young playing the aggressive, abusive and firm mother. The scenery looks nice in the woods/out doors.

What wasn't exactly clear or mentioned is what time period the film takes place. The characters are from a weird cult like community with firm weird beliefs, and they have very non-present day names (Ada, Dawai, Loriss, Jessaby). Though there is a scene where our protagonist Ada goes into a pharmacy and the store looks quite present dated.

Also there is a slight theme of incest. This was brief and only really shown in the opening but does end up being a storyline. We last see the brother being "sacrificed" by the father in the pit for claiming to being sick. Apparently the pit swallows people and kills them (off screen shown- nothing graphic shown).

The film could have been expanded a little more as the ending is entirely depressing and felt quite rushed. It wasn't exactly predictable but there could have been a twist thrown in.

Jug Face certainly isn't a film for everyone as people may be creeped out and disturbed by some of its themes, though from an independent film standpoint. It is quite a nice hidden gem, and a film in which have enjoyed the more having thought about after its viewing. It is more layered than initially thought of.
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Unnecessary. (Contains Spoiler)
DarlaNyx22 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to keep this short.

I appreciate what the writer was trying to show people but I felt it to be stereo typical portrayal of a backwoods village community. It was a sleazy film with a very mundane storyline. It could have been 40 minutes shorter than it was.

The scene with the foetus in the bath tub left me feeling sick. It was a sexist incestuous pile of absolute rubbish. I watched it purely because I like to review all new horror movies.

I wanted to turn off after 20 minutes but I wanted to give a complete review. Having seen the ratings I can tell this film could become a cult classic for all the wrong reasons.

I do not recommend.

2 stars.
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Not pure genius but definitely one of the better horror movies of the year.
sstetsko17 June 2014
Solid acting, a quite original concept, and a well woven tapestry of a... shall we say, alternative culture, make this into quite a strong movie. I found myself invested in the main character enough to care about the outcome, and intrigued enough in the "elder power" around which the community revolves to want to know more about it. I will say it is not a conventional horror movie, so those who hope to get jump scares and loads of blood are better off looking elsewhere, but if you want a thoughtful little film that still has an element of supernatural, this might be a good one for you. Definitely worth watching, and all the better considering what an expanse of recent garbage this little gem shines out on.

Addendum: I saw some criticisms of this movie and they mostly seemed to center around the idea that it left too many questions unanswered, that it didn't have enough of a story, or that it didn't wrap up to a particular viewers satisfaction. I could not disagree more. The premise is that there is an entity whose older than man whose thinking is unfathomable. To answer the nature of such a creature in your narrative would destroy that property of it... wouldn't it? Personally, I like the unfathomable aspect of it. I like wondering about it but never being given an answer. As to the ending and the lack of a story, without giving anything away, well, a group such as this would have developed a kind of relationship with the entity which would have become very entrenched over time. This tale is a slice of time... not a closed end, and I think the ending we are presented with is the perfect one for the, shall we say, nature of the beast. It is precisely these kinds of things that make the story a bit more innovative and not just another Hollywood style tale designed to satisfy the person who prefers things to be more predigested.
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Stupid and Boring
imwalt20 January 2014
I created an account here just to review this movie... that's how bad it was! Do yourself a favor and find a better way (basically anything) to use your hour and a half.

I don't know how this movie received a 5+ rating... maybe by the people involved with the making of the movie. It was boring, had a ridiculous plot, bad acting, bad writing, bad directing, bad effects, and was not in the least bit scary.

The only reason I watched to the end is that I figured with the 5+ ratings there must be a cool twist or something at the end. There was absolutely nothing, it just goes nowhere.

If you like dumb movies, then go for it. And if that is the case, you may also enjoy Skeleton Man http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0372832
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Nicely offbeat backwoods horror
Corpus_Vile26 April 2013
Ada is a young girl who lives with her backwoods hillbilly moonshinin' clan. A close knit community, they all share a rather arcane religion. Every so often, The Potter makes a ceramic jug adorned by a face. Every face that appears on the jug is a member of the clan and any face that appears must be sacrificed for the good of the community. Sacrificed to The Pit, which lies in the woods. Because The Pit wants what it wants and The Pit must be sated as this is how it's always been. If The Pit doesn't get what it wants then whatever dwells within it gets angry. And when The Pit gets angry, the community will be punished.

One day, while exploring The Potter's shed, Ada finds the latest jug face. It's her own...

Will she allow herself to be sacrificed, for the good of the clan? or will she set in motion a plan to spare her own life?

Jug Face is a straightforward but pleasantly offbeat horror that puts an interesting and unusual spin on the hillbilly horror/hicksploitation sub genre, with a nice turn by Larry Fessenden as the clan leader and a surprisingly great turn from Sean Young as the overbearing matriarch.

Executively produced by Lucky Mckee and with FX by Robert Kurtzman, it's a satisfying and solid horror that's well worth checking out overall, for fans looking for something just a little bit different.

7/10, decent little film and recommended.
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It goes nowhere... don't be fooled.
jbar1912 July 2013
The emperor has no clothes.

It is next to impossible to have a scary movie with nothing scary.

The people who believe that 'less is more' are fooling themselves. Crap like Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity try to substitute style for substance under the guise that people will fill in the omissions of the movie with their own imagination. Well that is BS.

The lead actress is excellent. All of the performances were exemplary. BUT there is no real monster, almost no back story and almost no resolution.

I don't want to give anything away but this movie didn't resolve itself so much as dissolve into credits.

OK, it's one thing to criticize so I will make up a scarier ending.

Something freaking scary and mean comes out of the pit and eviscerates the victims in front of the whole clan. The chick runs away with the potter and while in the big city, the monster rips up the potter in front of hundreds of people. The girl becomes resigned and goes back to goober holler and kills almost everyone in the clan to get out of being the sacrifice. The END. THERE. THAT is a better ending.
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Near-perfect Little Horror Gem
DrGrood12 July 2013
JUG FACE is a highly recommended little gem of a horror film, with not a wasted frame, nor any lack of tension throughout, a perfect and extremely involving performance by captivating young lead Lauren Ashley Carter, an effective symbolic undercurrent, and enough of an emotional punch to literally bring tears to your eyes.

The film is exactly what a small-scale horror movie should be -- disturbing without being exploitative, scary without anyone trying to throw hatchets in your face in 3D, and operating in its own consistent yet just-not-right world where things just do not work the same way as they do in the outside world or mean the same things.

The subtext here, whether intentional or not, has to do with the terrors and wrongs of following an "old religion" long past its time and resonates boldly. Similarities to THE LOTTERY exist but there's much more to the story. The analogy works as well here as the fear-of-commie-invaders subtext did in INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS in the 1950s. They say horror movies are most effective if they successfully tune in to the audience's fears at the time of its release. This one does an excellent job of that and seems like something that will never get old.

The only negatives here are that the community involved in the tale seems to be awfully small in number (no doubt due to budget constraints), the ineffective attempt at whatever sort of accent Sean Young, who is slightly miscast here, is attempting, and it is possible that by reordering one or two of the scenes and moving it back a bit the impact of the scene in which Ada discovers her "jug face" might have been strengthened, and possibly her attempt to escape her probable fate seems to be somewhat abortive, but if you consider what is supposed to be going on, and the ending they're going for, you understand why this is the case. These are rather minor problems though and do not detract from the film's power.

The actor who plays the potter who makes the jugs is also excellent and his performance moving.

This movie will leave you wanting more, and the terror of it is knowing, after it's over, well, you can't have it.

Excellent film all around, far better than overblown junk like CABIN IN THE WOODS, with an air to it of the simple but sometimes unforgettably scary radio dramas of the 1940s that audiences just couldn't forget and would listen to over and over. (Arch Oboler would love this movie.) I would not hesitate to suggest this is a real classic in the best sense of the word and I hope it gets noticed and does well. It'll certainly be remembered by those who see it, me included. Great job, filmmakers. 9/10
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Inspired Madness
avidnewbie1 August 2015
I have just finished watching JUG FACE for the first time and I must admit that this is not at all how I expected to feel. The title alone does nothing to promote high expectations. Neither does the few clips that have been showing on the previews from other dvds. This is by all accounts a low budget affair but it still has ...something. There's not a lot of astounding visual effects to distract you or sugarcoat the story but the one thing this film has which is easy to spot is authenticity. It is not the shadowy beings that roam the woods that scare you. It's not the unknown entity that dwells in the pit. Those things are really just there to provide a focus for the real horrors in this movie which are the people that live there. The unshakable faith that the followers have in their myths and the fervor that is palpable in their rhetoric seems to dance just behind their eyes. The conviction that empowers them to commit unspeakable acts. These are the things that stand out about JUG Face. It's an absolutely enthralling depiction of single mindedness and ignorant worship. The characters here are convincing if not always polished. You really feel that they don't believe they have any other choices than the ones which they are compelled to make. They don't question their lives they simply live them out until the pit chooses them. However, once she is chosen, Ada must make a choice of her own...With a larger budget this could have been a masterpiece of modern horror. As is, this is recommended for fans of true dread and moodily atmospheric thrillers. 7 out of 10.
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Seriously, Not Worth Watching
randydinh7 August 2013
Movies are like art. People see what they want to see in the painting. Reviewers of movies are just the same. Some of these reviewers see a beautiful story, with originality and depth. I wish I had a more compromising statement but this movie is not good, and is just NOT worth watching. I was looking for a gem, you know those films that go overlooked by main stream media. And I trusted the first few reviews on this website. I guess me and those reviewers just don't see eye to eye.

There are two things good I'd like to say about the film. The actress casted as the main character Ada, did a fine job. The film also steps away from cliché horror films. However, those things aside are not enough to make a bad movie worth watching.

The story itself could have been interesting but its slow pace delivery was rather boring. And I wanted to turn the movie off but I always watch a movie straight through. To be honest, I was curious to see if my feelings about the movie would change after the ending. But it did not. If you're looking for a scary, horror movie to get your heart racing this is not the one.
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A Must See Horror Film
Michael_Elliott26 October 2013
Jug Face (2013)

*** (out of 4)

The "redneck-horror" genre has pretty much delivered either really bad movies or interesting and original takes on the format. JUG FACE is certainly unlike any other movie I can recall and on that level alone it's worth watching. Set in the backwoods, a community lives by a religion that includes sacrificing anyone who a local potter (Sean Bridgers) sees as a "Jug Face." If this potter sees someone they are taken to a pit in the woods where they are killed and their blood drained into it. Ada (Lauren Ashley Carter) finds out that she's pregnant with her brother's baby and soon she feels that she might be the one ready for the pit. If the plot makes you think you're getting some sort of weird exploitation movie then you're wrong. Writer-director Chad Crawford Kinkle actually delivers a very serious and straight-forward horror film that manages to be highly entertaining and creepy. In a lot of ways the film reminded me of THE WICKER MAN as both deal with a backwards community that offer up people for what they believe are good reasons. I'm not sure if the director was aware of that film or not but the two actually have quite a bit in common and I'm not saying that in a bad way. JUG FACE really does offer up an interesting story that keeps you glued to the screen because you never know how it's going to play out or what twist might follow. The director does a fantastic job at making you believe that you're actually in the woods with these rather sick people who are living by codes that most would find pathetic. The film also offers up some rather gory moments that never call attention to themselves in a sense of wanting to shock the viewer. Instead the scenes just come off as realistic. Another major plus is that we're given some excellent performances with Carter really delivering. This is the second picture I've seen her in and she's certainly a talent to watch out for. She brings such a warm feeling to this character to where you can care for her and want to see her survive this ordeal. Bridgers is also extremely good in his role as is Sean Young (yes, that Sean Young) who plays the girl's twisted mother. People who are tired of the same old type of horror films will certainly want to check this one out. It's not flawless but it's certainly entertaining and creepy.
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Not Feeling This
Foutainoflife19 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is about moonshining hillbillies who worship a pit. Inside the pit there is some sort of sinister force that requires blood sacrifices as payment for the healing water it provides. The sacrifices are people chosen by the pit and through visions, are revealed to a potter who in turn makes a moonshine jug with the face of the next sacrifice. Ada is a young woman who is engaging in a sexual relationship with her brother and has learned she is pregnant but has been arranged to marry someone else. She makes her way to the potter's house and finds her face on the jug that is being fired in a makeshift kiln. Scared and unwilling to be sacrificed, she takes the jug and hides it in the forest, setting off a bloody chain reaction from the force of the pit.

I give this film props for it's attempt at making something new. The acting was decent and the settings fit the storyline well. However, I just don't feel this film. Being vague can go a long way in a film and it can even add to the creepiness but it can also leave the viewer with so many questions that the impact can not reach its potential.

I thought there was a good storyline a big part of the film but not really understanding the pit, the force behind it, the shunned ones and how it became something worshiped took too much away from what it could have been with me. And yes, I did catch the moment where there was reference made about the pit and a pox outbreak. It just wasn't enough to satisfy my curiosity or justify sacrifices.

It's not an awful film but it is just too vague for me. Had there been more to it, I could've enjoyed this much more.
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Eerie and well crafted
sandiglendinning10 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Teenage Ada lives in a closed woodland community with her family which sounds idyllic were it not for the fact that that deity they worship demands human blood. Ada's problems escalate when she discovers that she is pregnant and that that she is soon to be sacrificed to the pit.

Jug Face is a wonderfully constructed and quietly intelligent film, with a plot which from it's description unfairly invokes up images of something perhaps more B-movie-ish. What you will find rather than a sensationalised romp through the woods with inbred hillbillies is an emotionally intelligent coming of age drama, with some very respectable quality horror included in the mix.

Performances here are consistently wonderful, with Sean Young in particularly terrifying form as Ada's sadistic mother (she is arguably more horrific than whatever it is that lives inside the pit). Elsewhere, relationships between characters are believable, often touching and collectively build a picture of a real community whom rely upon one another entirely for survival, support and solace. Ada suffers inner conflict during her transition from teenager to adult, wrestling with her individualistic urges and her responsibilities to the community. A sense of reverence and fear for the pit comes across very well and clearly throughout. Visual effects are used sparingly and appropriately and never at the expense of the story.

This is very human film with potentially wide appeal. It would be of definite interest to cinema buffs and movie snobs as well as genre-loyal horror fans. Older teenagers may possibly enjoy it. Anybody who craves a break from the stupidity of the mainstream should give it a try. For people who would rather see CGI demons or torture porn Jug Face will be of absolutely no interest at all and undoubtedly leave them bored and somewhat baffled.

Overall aside from being extraordinarily enjoyable and intriguing Jug Face is quite simply a well-conceived, well-acted and well executed film. No silly plot holes, no desperate plot twists- just a good solid piece of work with strong dialogue and an interesting thematic premise. In a world where the opposite is the norm, all of this is quite an achievement. Director Chad Crawford Kinkle is one to watch and based on this directorial début seems certain to go on to do great things.

There really should be more films like this one.
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Red Neck Horror
billcr1213 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Jug Face is exactly as the title implies, a ceramic jug with the human face of the next person to be sacrificed to a pit in the woods of Tennessee. A bunch of red neck moonshiners are sending both friends and relatives to a blood thirsty pit on a regular basis. Ada(Lauren Ashley Carter), a dead ringer for Christina Ricci, is a pregnant teen who hides her jug face in order to avoid a quick death. Others are killed instead of her to keep the pit happy. The story is a variation of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. People are basically foolish and superstitious and will do many dumb things to get by and blend in. It is a simple message, but in the case of this movie, it never really goes anywhere. The lead actress is very good, and she is worth a 5/10 overall.
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Better than 90% of Hollywood junk
tommy-john-watson12 April 2014
While it clearly suffers from a low budget, this movie works harder and is more interesting than most of the product that comes out of Hollywood these days.

You will enjoy the twist and turns in the plot. The writers obviously put more effort into the storyline than their big-budget counterparts in the film industry.

The lead actress is impressive as a victim of circumstance who yearns to break free of her world.

It's an intimate look into a slimy dirty mini-society... decent acting, believable dialog and passable set design. Give these folks some real funding and I bet they hit a home run.
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wcorrigan6721 January 2014
Don't even bother... boring and slow. I really tried to give this movie a chance. First time Director, I thought give it a chance.WRONG.

Not many big names but give it a chance. WRONG. Not a long movie for a change...WRONG WRONG WRONG.

Don't waste your time. Not one likable character in the movie. Very slow. Give him this the director did make81 minutes feel a hell of a lot longer. I myself don't pay attention to reviews, I like to make my own mind up. Fair warning, don't expect much...because your not gonna get it. This is my first review... that should say something about this movie.
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Creepy and effective
L_Miller22 June 2014
A reclusive backwoods society maintains their way of life by making sacrifices to an unspecified monster. When a teenage girl discovers both that she is pregnant and she's the next sacrifice, she tries to escape her fate.

Some blood, but mostly just creepy and sees the ending through with more focus than A-List movies.

Acting is not just serviceable but good, especially since it deals with backwoods archetypes that it's hard to not turn into a parody. This thing is deadly serious and realistically portrayed even with the supernatural elements.

Good movie - kind of a different take on "Winter's Bone" if you liked that. Check it out.
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Very disappointing...
kennyamac7 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Someone on here had the nerve to say this movie was a cross between "The wicker man" and hill billy horror movies like the first wrong turn...

Well it's not...

I'd been looking forward to it given the interesting synopsis. Hick American locals have ancient ritual, where if the pot maker makes a jug that looks like you, the towns folk sacrifice you to an old mythical pit.

It started off OK, but as soon as the towns folk started getting killed left right and centre any suspense was lost. Note to film makers, the less people that die the more of a climax/shock there is when one of the characters we have bought into dies...

It also had a really cheap feel to it. Obviously a quite low budget movie, but if they had saved some money on paying actors like Sean Young(she's nothing special in terms of acting anyway...) they could have spent some more money on... well anything else really...

It's a shame, because the concept was quite interesting...
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A dark, beautiful slice of another life.
Robvader1215 July 2013
Just finished watching this and I have to say, it's everything I want in a short, well packaged southern Gothic story. I don't want to give anything away but i will cover a few basics. The acting is well above the norm for this type of film with all of the leads playing their roles very believably. The story of a a small, backwoods community that worships a pit that demands a sacrifice to ensure the health of the others is a simple premise that surrounds itself with enough drama to give the actors plenty to work off. The soundtrack is nice and haunting with a southern twist on the guitar riffs that add to the sense of oddity. The director makes good use of the limited number of actors to create a sense of how isolated these people are from the rest of the world without it seeming forced. The story is extremely dark and with plenty of blood, though not much gore, and plenty of disturbing dialogue that makes you really understand the sense of desperation and insanity that hangs over the characters. The movie moves at a slow pace but without losing your attention. To the contrary, the pacing makes the inevitable conclusion all the more painful and accentuates the "deep woods" atmosphere that is injected along the full length of this tale of blood, family, tradition and the the consequences that result. Please do yourself a favor and give this beautifully shot film a viewing, you won't be disappointed.
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Well done horror short story
jonnytheshirt16 July 2013
Jug face is a pretty offbeat horror that plays well as a good short story. Its not predictable and engages with good cast performances throughout. Lauren was a strong female lead who induced quite a bit of sympathy I didn't even recognise her from another good movie "The Woman" which I'd already seen. Its about hillbillys, hillbilly pagan rituals, spirits and whether intentional or not manipulation, religion and society. I'm still thinking about what it was supposed to mean, so that's a good thing. Its certainly not just 5 twenty somethings get killed in a cabin. Weirdly I've been thinking about "The Crucible" ever since.
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Unoriginal, Misogynistic, Just Plain Boring!
joshua_skye4 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
JUG FACE… unoriginal (we've all seen this basic plot many times before, we've also seen it done better), misogynistic (there's female nudity, a mother violently sexually assaults her own daughter, but the director goes out of his way not to show even so much as the upper butt crack on a male, an old man takes a dump in a bucket with his pants on - yet there doesn't seem to be a tact barrier as there is clearly no problem showing a miscarried fetus), filled with generic cardboard characters, and worse… it commits the most unforgivable of horror movie sins… it was just plain boring! There are no twists. There are no turns. The ending is predictable. Very disappointing.
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