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Maybe I over think it.
tomkitty-3465220 December 2023
I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. Excellent acting. Slow paced, but still good enough to keep me watching without falling asleep. This alone is a major achievement. This episode was no different, and I thought the ending was ok, but not mind blowing.

My only question is ... why did the police spend 20 minutes to dig an ice tunnel to the front door, when they could have gone through the same window that was used to escape from the complex.. It wasn't blocked by snow. I think I do over think things. But I'm sure I would have looked for an easier way of getting inside before wasting 20 minutes shovelling.
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Predictable, but still enjoyable
btrfly649920 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sadly, the twist is easily seen in episode 1. But, that said, I still enjoyed the show and I'm glad I watched it. I think people who complained about pace just aren't familiar with Marling/Batmanglij shows/movies... They build up. You get lots of info that feels weird and random, and some is meant to distract, others are red herrings, others very important. But, it's how their projects go. I feel like one needs to watch this series not as an episode by episode type thing, but more view as a whole, like a very long movie. It's a reason why I tend liked binging the OA. I think this show was well made and clever. And, tbh, I'm not sure the twist was meant to really be a true twist. More felt like, ok, that's the obvious answer, but maybe I'm more info comes out, you start to question stuff. Regardless, I still quite enjoyed the show. I eagerly look forward to their next project!
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Chapter 7: Retreat
Prismark105 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Conceptually I am going to go with the ending. Although a not very good series ended unsatisfactorily in a messy manner.

Despite all pointers that the villain of the piece was Andy Ronson. Well he was a mad controlling IT billionaire. It turned out he might have not been the murderer.

However Andy unloaded all his neurosis to his AI assistant Ray. It meant Ray took it upon himself to deal with Bill. Ray used Zoomer to inject Bill with morphine.

Andy uses his power and influence to get away from liability. He disappears while his wife goes far away from his as possible with Zoomer.

The show utilises some of the audience concerns on the way technology is going. The rise of AI with apps like ChatGPT. Is the future Skynet?

So A Murder at the End of the World was all about the perils of technology rather than play with the tropes of a whodunnit. It squandered its cast.
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Chapter 7
bobcobb30121 December 2023
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A lot of murder mystery shows often end on a disappointing note. Not surprising because it is difficult to satisfy all parties and give people the closure they are looking for while entertaining and shocking too.

We knew it would be some commentary on technology, but this was not the right one. In the end the tech designed to protect someone ended up accidentally killing them, or killing them on purpose. I get what they were going for, but wouldn't Ray have tried to save them like it did with Darby when her temperature was off?

Overall I call the show a success, but I think the ending was a miss.
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Excellent ending
tonylandisings19 December 2023
Absolutely fantastic final episode.

Loved the reveal of who did it... had that twist of tragedy that was so innocent and god damn impactful. The perfect ending, revealing Darby's emotional memory of Bill, with Zoomer. Honestly captivating.

To have them making it out of the snow tunnel at the end, truly symbolic... the whole base swallowed in snow. A whole show about hackers and future technology, where the real killer is a fatal play on all of that.

Loved everything about this show. Loved Darby's character. Loved the emotional undercurrent in the murder mystery. Loved how real it felt. 10/10.
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Satisfying ending
samuelbakkila19 December 2023
I'm a long time fan of Brit and Zal. I wasn't fully sold for a lot of the series, but the ending was great and brought all of the themes together and gave us a satisfying twist and conclusion.

The cinematography was strong (I liked the exterior shots of the hotel in iceland), and the past and present storylines intersected in an interesting way. For me, the scenes that Marling was acting in were the most alive, so I was glad to have her present for basically the entire concluding episode.

Looking back, I didn't predict the twist at all but it makes perfect sense in retrospect, which I think is the mark of an effective mystery.
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The brilliant ending to this brilliant miniseries
dfloro19 December 2023
Episode 7/7 finally explains the murder(s) at the end of the world. It was co-written by the show's co-creator and co-star, Brit Marling. And it was directed by its co-writer and her co-creator, Zal Batmanglij. I'm not going to give away the plot "twists" that are revealed, but suffice to say one of our society's biggest technological fears right now is to blame, and we as society share in that. The miniseries ends, as it began, with the Emma Corrin character of Darby Hart reading from her latest book describing her sleuthing at an event (attended this time by many surviving members of Clive Owen's character, Andy's, icy retreat). Although we learn that Andy's in jail, we also hear that authorities are at a loss (as they so often are today for many cybercrimes) on how to dole out punishment for the fatalities. In simpler times, assigning accountability was problematic; nowadays it's positively inscrutable. I give this installment a 9/10, and I very much look forward to the next collaboration from Brit and Zal. Their "science fiction" is a cut above!
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Dissappointing finale - the story was too predictable
twistbite19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, we get an episode finale of around 40 minutes (where you had a previous episode with a lot questions that needed to be answered) - I think it was also the shortest one in the entire series.

We find out that the killer is Ray the assistant with the help of Zoomer, but the motivation of the AI is just a result of bad writing. We are pointed in episode 2 to the fact that the AI doesn't understand or make any action unless you explicitly state it and yet, Ray is able to just take Andy's information from the therapy session and spin it in a way that it makes Bill responsible for Ronson security and he needs to be eliminated. Here, in my oppinion, the writer contradict themselves and every time the explanation for something is 'faulty *insert reason here*", I just think it is bad writing.

Additionally, through episode 5 and 6 we are shown a Darby who lost control and needed to snort Adderall just to stay awake, she dives in a hot pool with a supposedly murderer on a lose and YET in episode 7 she is the only one able to solve this entire mystery by connecting the dots. First of all, she is not that smart because she just blurts every detail she finds to everyone she encounters and second, this is means for character inconsistency.

We are never explained why Eva brought oxygen to Lee's room, why David came and threatened Darby and why the Silver Doe killer commited suicide when he met them. Are you telling me a serial killer would just feel random shame after stalking and finding 2 amateur. Teenagers?

Anyways, for me this show and finale just didn't work. Maybe if they hired a technical expert, they would have had a better material to work with or it would have been better to just adapt an existing sci fi book.
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Powerful message
carinatanzer19 December 2023
People who expect a crazy ending with a complicated twist (or even some mind-blowing sci-fi ending) that you didn't see coming will probably be disappointed about this one but in my opinion that's not what it is about, actually it is kind of the point.

It sends out a powerful message, I'd even say several messages, which felt so true they pierced my heart.

Even though she doesn't always make the most smartest choices, I loved the main character Darby and could relate to her in very human ways.

Same goes for Bill, who touched me deeply.

Their relationship felt real, not perfect, actually kind of flawed, but very real and heartwarming as well as, at times, sad. Their chemistry was perfect. The kind of chemistry you can't replicate. Not sure when was the last time I felt that kind of thing on screen.

If you like shows with meaning, I'd say give it a try.

Don't expect a second The OA (and I'm saying this even though it's my most favorite show of all times) but let it stand on its own.

Zal & Brit are brilliant writers and created another wonderful piece of art.
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sf_Jef19 December 2023
What a colossally bad finale!

Whenever a solid show ends on a garbage last episode, it feels like you've been on the phone with a scammer for six hours and you should have known better.

It's so unfortunate the writing ultimately sunk the series, cuz the acting was exemplary throughout.

"The father, son, and holy ghost" and "This is what it really is" are two lines that are laughingly beneath all the writing before this episode, as is the resolution.

It's SO disappointing!

Although, maybe I should just be glad that it didn't end with some meta-physical Mummenschanz dance moves to explain the story.
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You won't expect it and might not accept it
jamalissa-7369619 December 2023
The ending that no one expected it . U can argue wether it's good or "lame" but still, the show has a SCI-FI aspects in it and not that "knives out" show or a show that repeat the same scenario of solving a crime over and over again. So I understand if you are complaining about it l. I hope there is still people here that embrace creativity and understand how relevant the ending might be to our lives in the near future.

The actors has done an incredible Job though. I do admit that the acting was so good and got me hooked to the end of the show. I would recommend the show just because TV is full with repeated scenarios and the lack of creativity and we crave new concepts and new worlds . Also new behaviors. Darbie is not a typical "detective" nor the one who committed the Murders.
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Great start, terrible ending
yngvenett19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seems as if the story needed 2 more episodes, but suddenly they had to stop. What was the purpose of the morse codes in an early episode? How did the server burn down easily with the help of a banknote? Why did Lee send an emergency signal only to be brought back to Island by a fishing boat, without being found by neither her rich husband or Darby's hacking?

There's dozens of things that never got an explanation.

The start of this series was great. Good acting, great filming and lighting and the cutting made it both beautiful and exciting. Cliffhangers and several mysteries we tried to understand after almost every episode. Too sad several of these mysteries never was explained.
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Swing and a miss
WinstonDavenportMontana20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the tone and mystique of the series in the first few episodes, but it started slipping gradually. I began entertaining doubts in episode 5 that were validated by the series finale. I surmised that the killer was Ray a few episodes ago. I did not foresee that Zoomer was his tangible agent, however, which was a decent twist, if it weren't for the awful writing and awful acting from the little tyke. "Mommy, mommy, mommy! Are you mad at me?" It felt like how an adult assumes a child would talk.

I was disappointed that the explanation of Ray fostering the murders was basically "Ray was trying to do the right thing." AI hasn't turned on them or gone haywire, he simply acted out based on Andy's emotional venting. The explanation was preachy, because, while Ray was the mastermind, he was simply following the programming of the broken humans. This felt like a fizzle. No one was the bad guy; it was all just an unfortunate misunderstanding. Bill and Rohan's murders were intentional, but Sian? That was an accident entirely. Whoops.

The final episode takes place exclusively in the locked room of the bunker, with every character sort of meandering, not quite sure how to fill the runtime. When a trace of momentum began building, it felt like a high school stage play rehearsal with everyone reading their lines in a stilted and inorganic manner. Character motivations and behaviors are perplexing and unbelievable. There are protracted silences where it feels like actors have missed their cue.

And Darby... I loved her toward the beginning of the show, but despised her by the end. She was so annoying-channeling young Kristen Stewart by thinking that looking perplexed, aghast, or exhaling sharply amounts to good acting-and smug that I wished she would have just drowned in the pool. "Fine, then I'll ask Andy myself. Has anyone heard of... DEEPFAKES?!" This and numerous other lines made me cringe. Also, she was a terrible friend to Bill. And the entire backstory of Darby and Bill lent nothing to the story except to try and force Bill's death to mean something to her, or to prove that she is a good sleuth. And to pad the runtime.

Finally, a show that has been building up to a supposedly strong climax should feature a long and satisfying episode, paced tautly and revealing the unexpected with deftness. This 40 minute truncated showdown was disappointing and rushed and anticlimactic. The insane robots that were revealed to be building other bunkers in Iceland? Never mentioned, didn't actually matter. Nothing felt like it mattered, in fact. This could have been a 2 hour movie and should have featured Poirot or Benoit Blanc, rather than the obnoxious Darby whose repetitive indiscretions were grating, telling everyone everything and accusing everyone baselessly like a girl who cried wolf.

And then the series wrap up consisted of Lee and zoomer living in hiding and being sued by Andy. Ray really isn't a bad guy so he just continues to creepily exist. And thank God we have Darby's narration to exposit "where they are now." I love being told-rather than shown-an ending. And how nice of all those fellow partygoers who shared the trauma of Iceland to show up to Darby's reading at the mom and pop bookstore.

None of it felt believable or authentic. At times the series was great, which made the disappointing finale that much worse (Game of Thrones syndrome). I don't regret watching this show, but I won't recommend it, unless someone is bedridden for a year or two and has nothing better to do.
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Horribly Executed Ending
princegc20 December 2023
Sure the "twist" became predictable to an attuned viewer a few episodes before the end.

Nonetheless, for such a well/produced series, the finale should have applied far more tact.

The show was well acted, with big names and sufficient character development. Yet, the final episode felt horribly rushed and melodramatic. Either a) the actors said they needed to wrap it up so they could on stone, b) the producers ran out funding, or c) this was intended to be a single 90 minute episode of Black Mirror, and the Execs mandated the middle 70 minutes be stretched into 7 hours.

I have rarely been this upset by a finale. I guess that shows how engaging the show was, only to end with such a thud.
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Same old, with more preaching
ashish320 December 2023
When Ray was introduced in the first episode, I felt "I, Robot" VIKI vibes. I wanted to be wrong. But saw the disappointing reveal.

The preaching does fit the state of the current chargpt generation. But looks like neither this generation not the viewers of the show have seen movies like "I, Robot". Or anything other similar movies or series episodes from startrek, stargate and the like. I do not think, as much as the fan base of the author would want us to believe, that this series is clever. Watching even the oldest comedic startrek episode feel like watching a gem after watching this regurgitated 'stuff'
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Of course he is...
avnrulz20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, of course the rich white guy is the baddie. The 'ghost in the machine' is the AI, motivated by the fears and opinions of its creator. So, of course it's solved by the Gen Z female hacker with pink hair.

So, Andy was the one who attacked her in her room and threatened her, was the one who lured her to the exercise room, etc.

Disappointing summation. At least Agatha Christie's stories had actual people with actual motivation when crimes were committed. At the end, we're left with murders by proxy because the genius neglected to install a version of the three laws of robotics established by Asimov.
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Felt like a weird ending
xkdsy23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline was good enough but something about the way this last episode was directed and edited felt very sloppy and chaotic(not in a good way.) And when they light Ray(the AI bot) on fire, it just felt very over-the-top and kind of cheesy. It actually reminded me of the 90s movie hackers and makes me think maybe the Director was a fan of that movie. For a series that felt very sharp and focused In the beginning, it ended in a way where I felt completely bored and did not care anymore. All of the emotional moments felt forced. It's funny because it's the same woman who did the OA, a show I felt exactly the same way about. Great beginning, and slowly went downhill to where I did not care at all about the end. I was recommending the show for the first five episodes and now I feel like I need to call those people and say just stop it's not worth it.
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Bad Script, Terrible Finale
aptul_kadir28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Bill and Darby... their story is so boring from bottom to the top. Their murder search is not interesting at all. I could not stand to watch those parts, feelings between them isn't real, not there. They are just made to look cool, but scripted, fake teenagers.

I didn't like ending too. How the hell does that mighty AI which is coming from future tricked by cheap deepfake.

And of course lee has come to rescue darby. What a lovely team. Big AI which planned so many things asked for help from little child to live...

One more thing. Why did darby thought Sian does not take her seriously because Darby is "Girl"? If you want to tell a story that includes Woman's problems in our world just make it right please. Not like this.
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